Chapter 28

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"Nathan?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, Peanut?" he asked as he waited for her to gather the courage that he knew she was trying to get to ask what was on her mind.

"Why did all of you get silent when I was being sarcastic to North?" she asked softly. "What did North mean he loved hearing me call him Daddy?"

"Because we are Doms," Nathan explained. "We practice BDSM, Peanut."

"What?" She froze and looked at him shocked.

"What do you know about BDSM, Luna?" Nathan asked.

"Just 50 Shades books," She admitted.

"That's wrong," Nathan shook his head. "We take pleasure in taking care of you. We like having control over caring for you."

"Like a father taking care of their child," she whispered.

"Yes, but there is a difference between us taking care of Skye and us taking care of you," Nathan nodded.

"I don't understand," she shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"We know and there is nothing to be sorry for," he said as they walked up the porch. "We can talk about it later, Peanut, right now you need to get some much-needed sleep."

"Okay," She yawned. "Sleep sounds good right now."

"I bet," he chuckled. "Try not to worry about it, we'll show you at your pace." He kissed her forehead, "Just keep being a good girl and letting us care for you, that's all we want."

"Okay," She yawned again as she leaned into his hold. She headed up to bed after telling everyone good night and Nathan smirked watching them call out good night to her.

"Well?" Luke asked and he chuckled.

"She's got no idea," he admitted. "All she knows is from that crappy 50 shades books."

"It's going to be fun showing and teaching her," Kota smiled.

"We also have to help her heal from the trauma of her past," Silas nodded. "She has endured a lot and has a lot of triggers. It's going to be a learning experience for all of us."

"But it will be so fucking worth it," Gabe smiled. "I can't fucking wait, so fucking glad she's finally giving us a fucking chance."

Luna bit back a gasp as she went up the stairs and to her room. She got in bed and pulled the comforter up to her chin. Night jumped up on the bed and laid beside her. She wrapped her arms around him and took a deep breath. "We can do this, Night." She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Morning, Princess," Victor smiled as he noticed her come into the kitchen.

"Morning," she mumbled as she finished putting her hair into a ponytail. "Have a good day," she said grabbing a Dr. Pepper and Monster out of the fridge then grabbed her keys.

"You haven't ate yet, Baby," North frowned grabbing her as she walked past him.

"Can't," she said as her phone rang. "Late for a meeting." She stepped out of his grasp and rushed out the door. He sighed then grabbed his keys.

"You can't, North," Kota shook his head. "You will be late for work if you do and you have those work orders you have to finish."

"I KNOW," he growled as he stormed out of the house.

"Daddy otay?" Skye asked and Luke chuckled.

"He's fine, Skye," he kissed her head. "He's just grumpy he didn't get his way, that's all."

"Otay," She smiled as she went back to eating. "Daddy silly."

"That he is," Luke chuckled. "Come on, finish eating so you can get to school on time."

"Skye, where's Mommy?" Corey asked as he picked her up after school.

"She say she has some pace go," Skye said as she got into the car and buckled up. "She no say."

"Okay," Corey said as he pulled out of the pick up line. "So she isn't at school?"

"Nope," Skye shook her head. "Her Night weave story time."

"Okay," Corey sighed casting a look to Raven who was typing away on his phone. "Do you have any homework to do?"

"Nope," She shook her head, "Mommy helped me. I all done."

"Good," Raven nodded, "you have good day?"

"Yep," she smiled, "Me wuv go to stool wif Mommy."

"Good," Raven said as he looked out the window. Corey couldn't get home fast enough.

It was almost bedtime by the time she pulled up to the driveway. She parked the car and popped the trunk. "Come on Night, let's get these unload....hey..." she trailed off seeing all the guys heading towards her with various looks on their faces.

"Your phone is turned off," Corey said calmly. "We couldn't get ahold of you all day."

"Oh yeah, it died this morning," she nodded, "I think something's wrong with it or the charger. I have an apt with the phone place in two days to get it fixed, it's the soonest they could get me in." She frowned, "You have no problem showing up at the school any time it pleases you. It couldn't have been that big of a deal if you didn't show up at the school."

"You left school," Owen pointed out, "and we had no way of contacting you."

"Oh sorry," she frowned, "I guess I didn't really think about it."

"We know, Miss Teacher," Luke said wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "It just worried us that we couldn't get ahold of you and you weren't where you normally are."

"Sorry, there was this really good deal that I couldn't pass up," she smiled excitedly.

"Oy, you went shopping without me," Gabe pouted then chuckled, "Fucking show me what go you so excited, Trouble."

"Do you need to go sit in time out until you can learn that bad words are not appropriate?" She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one side. "Well?"

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