Chapter 5

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A few weeks passed and Luna was out walking downtown with Night when she decided to check out a local craft store. She found a cute little felt project that would be perfect for her students to do while also working on their colors and shapes and there were felt letters next to it that would be perfect for them to work on learning their names. She beamed when she realized there were enough for all her students. She put them in her cart and kissed Night's nose. "They are going to love this."

"Miss Luna! Miss Luna! Night! Night!"

She turned and giggled when Skye ran into her jeans hugging her tightly. "Well hello, Princess Skye." Skye pulled away and started hugging Night.

"Hello Miss Teacher," Luke chuckled when she blushed and looked away.

"Hello Mr. Taylor," She said clearing her throat.

"Sopping Miss Luna?" Skye asked and Luna smiled.

"I am, I have a new craft for us to do at school. Are you shopping as well?"

"Yep," She nodded. "I help you."

"That would be wonderful as long as your daddies say it is okay," Luna smiled as Skye put her hand on the side of the cart.

"Day say yes," Skye answered without even asking.

The men chuckled when Luna looked back at them. "We trust her with you, it's fine, Miss Teacher," Victor smirked as she rolled her eyes then went back to looking at stuff.

"Never going to stop hearing that," She mumbled under her breath as she picked up more construction paper and tossed it into the cart.

"No you won't," Gabriel chuckled as he tossed a few things into their cart.

Luna tensed for second then kept walking. She found another craft involving animals and started counting how many there were.

"You use tool car like daddy use wort car since for cass?" Skye asked as Luna put them in her cart.

"Don't you worry your pretty princess head about it," Luna smiled as she tapped Skye's nose making her giggle. "Oh look, I see masks that we can put in the treasure chest in class."

"Yay!" Skye giggled as they went to go pick out various ones.

Once they were done Luna smiled, "Well, I'm done enough shopping for the day."

"Potty break Miss Luna," Skye said pulling on her tee shirt.

"Okay, come on, let's go find it, remember the rule as we walk to the bathroom, 1, 2."

"Eyes on you," Skye repeated then giggled, "we no at tool, Miss Luna."

Luna chuckled, "That's right, we aren't, I'm sorry it's habit. Come on." She took Skye's hand and headed to the bathroom.

"All ready," Skye smiled as she headed back to her fathers.

"Thank you for taking her," Nathan smiled at Luna.

"Bye Miss Luna," Skye waved as they left the store.

She turned to the counter and frowned when she saw all her supplies were already bagged. "It's already been taken care of," The lady at the register smiled.

"They didn't?" Luna asked and the lady nodded. Luna shook her head and sighed, "Well, thank you. My class will be so excited."

"Have fun," The lady waved as Luna and Night left the store.

She looked for the group but they were nowhere to be seen. "Well, let's go drop these off at the car, Night. Then we can do some more walking before heading home."

They started walking to where she had parked when suddenly Night got behind her and started growling. "Hello Luna," A deep voice said making Luna freeze and gasp. She turned around and gulped.

"Hello Matthew," She said nervously. She gulped again, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you of course," He chuckled mischievously as he took a step closer to her making Night drop his growl even deeper. "Still have Satan's dog I see. I'm surprised you are allowed to keep such a ferocious beast around children."

"He's not ferocious," She said sternly.

"I beg to differ," Matthew glared, his blue eyes filled with fire and his black hair fell into his face. "I have the scars to prove otherwise."

"He was only protecting me," She defended as her hands began to shake and a shiver ran down her spine. Her chest was starting to tighten. "I have the scars to prove so and the documentation."

"Is everything okay here?" Owen's voice came behind her. She closed her eyes and wished she heard wrong. This was not what she needed right now.

"Miss Luna?" Skye asked nervously as she touched her hand.

"I'm fine Sweet Girl," She said moving to stand in front of Skye. "Everything is fine, I promise. Go back to your daddy."

Matthew chuckled snidely, "You can play pretend family all you want Luna but it will never be the same as your own and you know it." He took another step closer to her but made sure he was just out of reach of Night's mouth then whispered loudly, "You will always have the pain of knowing you will never have your own thanks to me since you denied me what I wanted. All you had to do was give me what I wanted but since you wouldn't I denied you what you so desperately wanted."

"You monster," She whispered as tears slid down her face.

"All you have to do is say yes and I'll give it all back," He chuckled. "It's that simple."

"Never," She shook her head.

"Then you will never have what you want," He shrugged. He reached out to her but Night jumped up and barked making him pull his hand away. "Fucking beast," he glared.

"That's enough," Owen said sternly.

"Yeah, we'll finish this conversation later, Luna," Matthew winked at her then started walking off.

"Come on Miss Teacher, let's go in here so you can sit down," Silas said as he gently touched her elbow. "You are shaking."

"I'm sorry," She apologized as a water bottle was placed in front of her. Night placed her purse in her lap and she smiled as she grabbed her bottle.

"Let me," Sean said gently taking the bottle from her shaking hands. He read the directions then handed her the right dose.

"Daddy, I hab samwich peas?" Skye asked and Marc nodded.

"Sure Little One, come help me make everyone one for dinner," he said picking her up and started toward the back.

Luna watched in confusion as she ran her hand over Night's head over and over.

Luke chuckled, "This is Marc's restaurant, Miss Teacher."

"Really?" She asked shocked. "It's my favorite place besides Sweets Shoppe."

Luke burst out laughing, "That's my place."

She shook her head, "Wow."

"How would you like your sandwich, Miss Teacher?" Marc called out from the back. "Princess Skye is making it."

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