Chapter 25

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"Hello Luna, Dr. Green," Dr. Porter smiled gently as he shook their hands, then faced Owen, "Hello, I'm Dr. Porter."

"Mr. Blackbourne," Owen said shaking his hand.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" Dr. Porter asked as everyone sat down.

"Fine," she said a little too quickly for Sean or Owen's liking.

"And how are the medicines working?" he asked making Sean and Owen look at her confused. "Any side effects we need to discuss?"

"Your anxiety medicines?" Sean asked, "Have you made changes to them?"

"You haven't started taking your new medicines we talked about?" Dr. Porter asked curiously. "Did you get them filled?"

"," she admitted shaking her head softly.

"What medicines?" Sean asked turning to Dr. Porter.

"Why not?" Owen asked her.

"When did you get new prescriptions?" Sean asked. "Nothing was discussed about new medicines last time I was here with you. You had another appointment without me?"

"Do you need a moment, Luna?" Dr. Porter asked gently as Night laid his head in her lap.

"I'm okay," She shook her head, "I um," she cleared her throat, "I've been going through a lot of changes lately, so I honestly just forgot to drop them off. I had to rush back to my students after my last visit and it just slipped my mind."

"I get it," He nodded gently, "being a teacher is very demanding. I will write you new ones and if it is okay with you, I will give them to Dr. Green to go get filled for you."

"That's fine," she nodded.

"I will give you my information and you can let me know of any upcoming appointments and I will make sure to be here with her," Sean said.

"That's okay," she shook her head, "I know how much you are needed at the hospital."

"The hospital has other doctors," he shook his head, "you are more important."

"Can I ask what the medicines are for?" Owen asked.

"May I explain?" Dr. Porter asked and she nodded. He took a deep breath then spoke, "the backstreet hysterectomy was not done properly and in doing so, she got multiple infections that affected her blood cells as well as caused her to go into early menopause. The medications are to help with the effects of what she went through and is going through. We also discussed the fact that there are doctors overseas that have been successful in transplanting the female organs to reverse hysterectomies that young women had to undergo for one reason or another. A couple of the medications are to prepare her body in case she decided to undergo the transplant."

"These are for PTSD, insomnia, depression, and in increase in your anxiety medication," Sean said going through the prescriptions. "You don't have trouble sleeping, Luna," he said confused.

"Not when you stay with me," she murmured while looking at Night.

"She won't need that," Owen glared, "we live together now."

"Very well," Dr. Porter took the prescription back smiling while Sean looked at the remaining ones. "Any changes you feel you need to make, Dr. Green let me know and I will update her file."

"I don't think I want to try the transplant," she said after a few moments.

"You don't?" All three asked shocked.

"May I ask why?" Dr. Porter asked.

"It's still new," she said softly while running her fingers over Night's fur. "I don't think I can handle it mentally if something went wrong. Plus, I can't be away from my kids that long. And there are other women that deserve that chance way more than me. Someone special once said you don't have to give birth to be a mother, that's why there are surrogates and adoptions, they are just as much mothers as the women that give birth, sometimes better. I have my children, I'll be okay."

"If you ever change your mind, just let me know," Dr. Porter said taking the prescriptions back that she wouldn't need with that decision. "Anytime and I'll get you the information."

"Thank you," she nodded. "What about the surgery to repair some of the damage?"

"That's one of the reasons I wanted to speak to you," he nodded. "The surgeon got called away on an emergency so all his appointments have to rescheduled once we know when he will be back."

"Who?" Sean asked.

"Uhm..." Dr. Porter opened something on his computer then said, "A Dr. Roberts over at Medical Mercy. Do you know him, Dr. Green?"

"He's my mentor," Sean nodded then turned to Luna. "I can get ahold of him and get permission to look at your files and do it if you want, Luna."

"Do you honestly think you can do something to ease the pain?" She asked scared.

"I won't give you an answer until I know what that asshole did to you," he shook his head. "I refuse to give you a false answer or false hope. You mean too much to us to do that. I can look at all the information Doc Roberts and Dr. Porter has then give you an exam and come to a decision. Then I will give you an honest answer and only then."

"Thank you for being honest," she smiled softly. "Okay, if you can get ahold of your mentor I'll agree."

"Good luck with that," Dr. Porter said shaking his head. "No one has been able to get a hold of him for days and no one knows when he will be back."

Sean pulled out his phone then waited for a few seconds before a deep gruff voice said, "What is it, Sean? I'm in the middle of something very important."

"So am I, Doc," Sean smirked at the shocked look on Dr. Porter's face. "I need all the information you have on our girl."

"Who?" He asked confused.

"My name is Luna Fox," Luna spoke nervously. "You were scheduled to perform a surgery on me before you got called away, Sir."

"She's also Skye's teacher," Owen said adjusting his tie.

"Girly," Dr. Roberts chuckled, "Sean can do a better job then I would on you, honestly. I taught him everything I know and after more training from other specialists, he has surpassed me. You are in very good hands with him and welcome to the family, Little Bird. We must have family dinner when I get back, hear me?"

"Yes Sir," She smiled softly.

"You got it, Boy," Dr. Roberts said as a phone rang in the back. "Have to go, we will talk later, Boys."

"Yes Sir," Both Sean and Owen agreed before the call ended.

Sean turned back to Dr. Porter, "You can go ahead and give me a copy of what you have on her, I don't mind waiting."

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