Chapter 24

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"Bakefast, Mommy, Night."

Luna opened her eyes and raised her head to see Skye standing on the side of the bed beaming. "Skye," She whispered as she rolled over from her stomach to her back and sat up.

"Nummy food," She smiled as she crawled up in the bed then cupped her hands around her mouth, "UP DADDY!"

"Alright, no need to shout, Princess Skye," Victor smiled as he pushed the door open with a tray in his hands. "Here you girls go, enjoy." He kissed Skye on the forehead, "I have to go practice, I'll be back later, don't have too much fun."

"Silly Daddy," She giggled as he kissed Luna's forehead then left.

"Morning Girls," Kota smiled as he stood in the doorway a few moments later, "Ready to go outside Night?" he asked, and Night softly barked then jumped off the bed.

"Okay me call you Mommy?" Skye asked after taking a drink of her juice.

Luna sat her fork down and bit her lip, "I don't know how to be a Mommy, Skye," she said honestly. "I don't want overstep your daddies either. Let me talk to them first, okay?"

"Otay," She smiled and went back to eating.

"You will never overstep, Luna."

She looked up to see Axel standing there with a smile on his lips as he leaned across the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "Daddy Axel," Skye smiled.

"Hey Little One," he smiled fondly at her. "You done eating?" She nodded, "go take it downstairs, Daddy Marc is cleaning up."

"Otay," she said as she carefully got down then took her plate and left the room.

"It's okay with us if she calls you that," he said as he came to sit beside her.

"But she has a mother," Luna whispered.

"She had an egg donor that chose drugs over the life she was carrying multiple times," Axel corrected. "She even tried abortion when she realized that we refused to take her back and were going to get custody of the baby if it happened to live. She put our daughter at risk multiple times in one way or another. She was and is no mother, she never had custody and never will."

"But she—" Luna frowned in confusion.

"Only wants Skye when she thinks she can look good in front of her latest boyfriend or when she wants money from us," Axel corrected. "Owen did some digging, she had a new boyfriend and wanted to portray being a good mother because he has kids as well."

"That's so wrong," she whispered as she pushed the last few bites around on her plate with her fork. "Some women don't appreciate the miracles they are able to create."

"You can still be a mother, Luna," he whispered. "You don't have to give birth to be a mother, that's why there are surrogates and adoptions, they are just as much mothers as the women that give birth, sometimes better."

"That's true," She whispered as she twirled her fork. "I just don't want to get attached and then my problems be too much."

"They never will," he whispered gently moving her face to look at him. "I know you don't believe us right now, it's hard and scary, we get that, but eventually we will show you, even if it takes years. You just have to take the chance."

"It's hard," she whispered as a tear slipped down.

"We know, Doll," he said gently as he wiped it away. "But it will be worth it."

"I do like when you are here more than when you aren't," She whispered so softly he almost didn't hear. "Don't like the quiet."

He smiled, "Good because we like being here with you more than being away from you."

"So does that mean I can start moving our stuff in?" They turned to see Gabe beaming in the doorway. "Well, Miss Teacher?"

Just then her phone began ringing. She reached over and grabbed it, "Hello? Oh hello, Dr. Porter. What?" She grabbed Axel's wrist to look at his watch, "Yes, I can be there. I'll have my..." she looked at them since Gabe had come to sit on the bed, "boyfriend with me just so you know. Okay, yes, okay, see you soon. Good bye, Dr. Porter." She hung up and tensed, "Sorry, it just uhm...I have to get ready," She whispered quickly getting out of the bed.

"Whoa there," Axel smirked pulling her back to him, "you just made our day," he murmured into her hair as he hugged her from behind.

"Quit fucking hogging her," Gabe pouted making Axel chuckle then step to the side so he could hug her also. "Best thing to hear."

"No bad language," She gently scolded as she relaxed into his grasp.

"Yes Ma'am," he chuckled. "Alright, let me start you a fu...freaking shower."

She shook her head, "I don't have time, he's able to squeeze me in since there was a cancellation."

"Alright, go brush your teeth and I'll grab you some clothes."

"I'll go see if Doc can join you, I have to get to the aquarium," Axel sighed, "we have two rescue turtles coming in from Georgia."

"I can join for what, Pookie?" Sean asked as he came into the room. "Morning," he smiled as he saw her in Gabe's hug.

"Her doctor called and is able to see her today," Gabe explained. "She said her boyfriends will be joining her. Go get ready."

She hurried to the bathroom and Sean beamed, "I'll be more than glad to join her and Night. I'll see if anyone else can join."

"Everyone will be busy moving things in or working while she is gone," Gabe shook his head, "except maybe Owen. I'll have to check."

"Check with me about what exactly?" Owen asked walking into the room, "What is going on?" Gabe told him and he forced back a smile, "I'll join."

"Fucking great," Gabe clapped his hands together, "I'll go get started making plans to start fucking packing everything up."

Luna cleared her throat as she came out of the bathroom, "Language."

Gabe blushed, "Sorry, Miss Teacher."

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