Chapter 19

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"This looks great," Luna said as she walked around the house with Officer Laweson. "Thank you, and the teenagers?"

"The judge accepted your letters and sentenced them to 6 months of working at the museum on weekends," Officer Laweson explained.

"Good," Luna nodded, "hopefully this will teach them a valuable lesson."

"I'm sure it will," he said as they rounded back to the front of the house where North and Raven were waiting with glares on their faces. "I'll conclude the report now then. Thank you."

"Thank you, Officer," Luna nodded as he shook her hand then headed to his car.

"Everything okay?" North asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Taylor. He just wanted me to let me know that they installed the new windows and he needed to know if it was the right kind because of it being a historical building. He asked about security cameras and I informed him that Mr. Henshaw will be installing some. He seemed pleased with that information."

"He already put in," Raven said uncrossing his arms from his chest.

"Really?" She asked shocked and he nodded. She looked at him confused, "I haven't seen any."

"That's the point," North nodded. "If they are obvious then they can easily be discovered and destroyed, thus making them pointless. If they are hidden, then they will be effective."

"It's good to be home, isn't it Night?" She asked as she opened the front door and walked in. He barked as he ran through the house making her giggle.

"This place huge," Raven said as he looked around cautiously. "Police search everywhere?"

"I'm sure they did," Luna said tossing her keys onto the table by the door, missing the bowl. Without thinking North picked them up and placed them in the bowl. "Besides, wouldn't you already know if Mr. Henshaw set up the security cameras?" She sat on the couch and sighed, picking up a pillow and setting it in her lap. "Are there cameras inside?"

"Yes," North answered honestly.

"That's a little creepy," She admitted, "I don't think I like you being able to watch me without me realizing it."

"There are no cameras in your bathrooms, and you have the app on your phone," Corey said walking in. "You can turn them off whenever you feel the need, or you can send a text and we will immediately turn it off until you tell us otherwise. It's strictly for your safety."

"We have them at our house," North admitted. "But we promise, you just say the word and we will turn them off. Corey will show you how to control them on your phone."

"I will," he nodded as he walked over to her.

"Can we look around?" North asked and she shrugged.

"I guess," she said nervously. "The top two floors haven't been entered in, well, I couldn't tell you when, honestly. Night and I just stay on the bottom floor."

"Why?" Raven asked curiously.

"It's my family home," she shrugged, "it was used to help run away slaves to reach their freedom. I'm the last of my family. I can't leave my home."

"Da," Raven nodded, "I get."

North and Raven left the room while Corey took her phone off the table and started explaining the app that he installed on it to her.

By the time they came back into the room Corey was covering her up with a blanket. "Shhh," he whispered, "she just fell asleep."

"She fall," Raven frowned. He sat down on the ground in front of the couch, "I nyet leave."

"I didn't think we would leave anyway," Corey smirked. "I already sent a text to the family."

"I'll go get some groceries," North said pulling his keys out of his pocket. "She missed breakfast."

Luna woke up and rolled over, gasping when she realized she was on the couch and about to fall off. Someone grabbed her, catching her in time. "Whoa, Kitten."

"Mr. Ravenstahl?" She asked confused as she sat up. "What are you doing still here?"

"We didn't want you to fall off the couch," Corey explained, "and we didn't feel comfortable moving you to your bedroom. Plus if we left, your door would be unlocked, so we just stayed."

"I'm so sorry," she said nervously. "You had work and—"

"Actually we had the day off," North said bringing in a tray, "so it was no problem. Here, have some lunch since you missed breakfast. You have a couple more hours before a certain princess gets picked up and will be demanding to come here to see her favorite teacher."

"Oh, I need to make the weekly plans," she gasped as she moved the blanket off of her and began to stand. "Excuse me, I need to get some work done."

"Lunch first," North shook his head. "You missed breakfast, so you need to eat. Then you can work."

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