Chapter 1

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"Blackbourne," Owen said switching his phone to speaker as he continued working.

"Mr. Blackbourne, I'm so sorry for disturbing you at work," a woman's voice came through catching his attention. "I'm Miss Luna, Skye's kindergarten teacher."

"Yes," He placed his papers down so he could solely focus on the phone conversation, "is everything okay with Skye?"

"I'm not exactly sure," The woman said nervously. "We just had recess and there was an incident where Skye was trying to stop a little boy from bothering another student and the boy pushed Skye, causing her to fall. I'm sorry, Mr. Blackbourne I was on the other side of the playground and couldn't reach her in time. The little boy is already in the office with his parents being notified of the incident and once I reached her, she was more concerned about the other little girl. She said she was okay and she isn't bleeding but she's complaining of a headache now and asked me to call her Daddy Sean and Daddy Silas but I can't reach either one of them. You were next on the list to notify. I apologize."

"There is no reason for you to apologize, Miss Luna," Owen said gathering his things. "Dr. Sean is at the hospital and Mr. Korba must be busy at work but I will get ahold of them and I will be there shortly to get Skye. Thank you for letting me know what happened."

"I'm so sorry, I got to her as fast as I could," Luna apologized. "It just happened not even ten minutes ago, as soon as she told me she was starting to hurt I started calling."

"Thank you," Owen said placing a note to his receptionist that he would be out of the office for the rest of the day, "I am on my way, I appreciate you letting me know." He hung up the phone, took a deep breath then hit the family group button. "Get to Skye's school now, Sean be ready for us. She got hurt at recess and asked for you and Silas but neither answered the teacher calling you."

"I was with a patient," Sean explained. "I'll have the office ready."

"I was on assignment," Silas said heading to his car.

"Is she okay?" Sean asked. Owen told everyone the conversation with the teacher and Sean sighed, "Okay, doesn't sound serious but better to be safe than sorry. Glad she called instead of just assuming it's just a headache like some teachers do."

"She certainly is something," Luke chuckled as he left his bakery. "Remember how she wasn't phased one bit when all of us brought Skye to her classroom? She acted like it was an everyday thing for one little girl to have so many fathers."

"She hasn't even asked us about it either," Kota said as he pulled out onto the street.

They ended the conversation a few minutes later and raced to the school.

There was a knock on the door and Miss Luna looked up from the book she was reading during story time. "Excuse me children, we have to pause for just a minute. Will you imagine what will happen next to Pooh and Piglet for me?"

"Skye's fathers are here for her," The office receptionist said as she held the door open for thirteen men to walk in.

"Thank you," the men watched the tiny five foot five woman nod softly to the woman then turn to face them. Her blue eyes held concern, "I offered her water and juice but she doesn't want anything. She's over here, I gave her my headphones to help with the noise of the class, she's listening to some ocean waves right now. She said her daddies listen to it with her at nighttime," She whispered as she motioned towards a little reading area by her desk. "Night, Skye's daddies are here for her, you need to move." She knelt down beside the large black pitbull who was laying beside their daughter with a duck stuff animal in his mouth. "Thank you for watching her for me, Sweet Boy." She kissed the top of his head and watched as he moved over to the rest of the children.

She gently touched their daughter's hand to get her attention. Princess Skye, your daddies are here. She signed and their daughter smiled softly then removed the headphones.

"Thank you, Miss Luna," She whispered and signed then turned to her fathers. "Daddies," She pouted.

"Oh Sweet Girl," Silas said picking her up gently. "Let's go see Daddy Sean about your booboo."

"Okay," She placed her head in his neck. "Wait." She turned back to her teacher, Thank you let me hold Yogi Bear and lay with Night.

You are very welcome, I hope you start to feel better soon and thank you for being such a good friend. I am very proud of you, Miss Luna signed back then handed Skye's backpack to Owen.

"The little boy is being reprimanded and the parents have sent their apologies," she whispered and Owen nodded.

"Dr. Green will probably keep her home for a few days to make sure she is okay," Owen said, "will she have any work that will need to be done?"

"We are just working on our tracing and writing our names and some basic sight words," Luna shook her head. "She can catch up when she comes back. She is already advanced so I'm not worried about her needing to catch up. I would rather her focus on resting."

"Thank you," Owen nodded taking her backpack.

They left and Luna went back to reading to her students.

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