Chapter 14

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"Hello?" Luke half asked as he yawned a couple of nights later.

"There's someone in my house," Luna whimpered as glass broke in the background. Luke jolted awake, "Hide Luna, now! I'm on my way." More glass shattering came through the speaker phone as Luke slid a shirt over his head.

"I'm under my bed," she whimpered as Night growled.

"Can you hide somewhere else?" he asked as he started opened North's door making him sit up confused. "Luna, I need you to hide somewhere else. Is there somewhere else you can hide?" North jumped out of bed and rushed out of the room.

"Basement," she whispered, "there's hidden room we use to hide runaway slaves."

"Good," Luke said as he grabbed his car keys, "can you get there safely?"

"I think so," she whispered. "I think I can reach the servant's staircase."

"Okay, stay on the phone with me," he said as North and Raven grabbed their hoodies. "Kota is already on the phone with the police."

"I'm sorry," she whimpered.

"For what?" Luke asked confused as he pulled out of the driveway.

"It's late and—"

"I told you to call me for anything, Cupcake," he said as he quickly passed someone. "This is serious, Luna. We would have been hurt if we didn't call us and you got hurt." There was commotion and he started to panic, "Cupcake? What was that? Luna?"

"I..." she gasped, "I had to open the hidden door, it was stuck."

"Okay," he sighed in relief as he passed someone else. "Okay, we are almost there."

"Okay," she sniffled.

"Everything will be okay, Miss Teacher," he said trying to reassure them both. "We are almost there."

"My phone is dying," she gasped as it beeped. " swear it I put it on the"

"It's okay, Miss Teacher," Luke forced himself not to groan. "Listen, everything will be okay. Me, North, and Raven are on our way. We will call out when we reach the basement. Just listen for us, okay?"

"Okay," She sniffled just as the phone died. She bit back a sob as she hugged Night who was watching the door intensely. "It will be okay, Night. We will be okay."

Luke, North, and Raven pulled up to her house the same time the police arrived. "Please stay back," the officer said as they rushed inside.

"Nyet!" Raven yelled.

"She's in the midst of a panic attack," Luke tried to reason. "She could hyperventilate and she's hiding in the basement somewhere!"

"Officer Laweson!" North shouted recognizing one of the men.

"They are Academy," Officer Laweson said rushing over.

"Fine," the first officer said, "but stay it the basement."

The three men took off inside and Raven pulled his gun as he searched around. "Nyet here," he said as they searched the kitchen. "This basement?"

"I don't know," Luke admitted, "probably."

North opened the door and nodded seeing the steps that headed down. "This has to be the basement. Did she say where she was hiding?"

"No," Luke shook his head, "her phone was dying—"

"Why wasn't it on the charger?" North interrupted.

"She said it was on the charger," Luke sighed in annoyance. "Anyway, she said she was going to hide in a hidden room from when the family hid runaway slaves. We are going to have to look closely."

"Try call," Raven ordered as he searched around all the boxes and objects.

"It died while I was trying to calm down her panic attack," Luke shook his head. "I told her we would call out once we knew it was safe."

"We caught the intruders," Officer Laweson called out from the doorway. "The house is clear. We need to talk to her when you find her. Ambulance is on the way."

"Thank you," North called back up to them. "Luna! It's safe!"

"Luna!" Raven called out.

Luke looked around and kept coming back to a hole in the brick wall that had a metal door. He walked over to it and looked around. "Why do you keep looking at the coal storage, Lucian?" North asked.

Luke shook his head then opened the door. A loud growl erupted and he fell back losing his breath as something landed on him. "NIGHT!" he shouted then started laughing as Night licked his face and moved off of him. "Luna," he called but they only heard gasps. "Shit," Luke muttered as he pulled himself up into the hole. "Hey Miss Teacher," he whispered softly as he knelt in front of her. He pulled her into his lap then unclasped her hands and wrapped them around his neck then did the same with her legs. "I'm here, Miss Teacher, we are here. We have you, you're safe."

"Get her out of that musty place," North called out and Luke tightened his hold on her before getting both of them out of the hidden room. "Hey Miss Teacher," North said as he finally laid eyes on her.

"Breathe, Luna," Luke gently commanded as he felt her gasps on his neck.

"Ambulance here," Raven said as he came back down to them. "Bring Miss Teacher."

"No," she sniffled and tightened her grip on him. "No, no, no."

"Sean is here, Luna," North said softly. "He will make sure you are okay. I promise and we will stay by your side. You're safe, you have us and Night. Please, let Doc make sure you are okay, that panic attack was pretty bad, you are still shaking."

She sniffled and nodded making him smile. Luke started to walk away with Night right on his heels and once they got outside she hid her face in Luke's neck. "It's okay, Miss Teacher," Luke whispered as he got into the ambulance.

"That is her service dog, back off, it's fine" she heard Sean growl then the pitter patter of Night's nails as he jumped into the ambulance. "I got her, get out of my way." Luke moved a little then another set of hands was on her back. "Hey Luna, can you look at me, please?"

She barely pulled away from Luke, looked intoSean's green concerned eyes and burst into tears.

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