Chapter 3

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"She is NOT allowed to take Skye with her," Owen growled as he grabbed his car keys. "She has no legal rights to her."

"Yes Sir," Luna said. "I couldn't allow her to leave with her anyway since she is not on any paperwork that you filled out but I still wanted you to know what is going on."

"We are on our way," Owen glared at the group. "We will handle this."

"Yes Sir," Luna nodded.

"Does she know?" Owen asked switching from anger to concern.

"No Sir," Luna shook her head even though she knew he couldn't tell. "She is finger painting. The office notified me and I called you immediately."

"Thank you," Owen sighed in relief. "We will be there shortly."

He hung up and pinched his nose. "What's going on, Owen?" Sean asked worried.

"Sheila is at the school," Owen said through clenched teeth.

"What the fuck is she doing there?" Gabe fumed.

"Take a wild guess," Lucian glared.

"She no take daughter!" Raven roared.

"She isn't getting anywhere near our daughter," North growled.

"Let's get up there," Axel fumed grabbing his keys.

The men entered the school and found Luna in the office arguing with a very skinny woman. Anger raced through them when they recognized who it was.

"I'm very sorry Miss but you are not on her any of her paperwork here. Without you being in the system, I can not allow my student to leave with you," Luna tried explaining yet again.

"I am her mother!" The woman yelled, "I have every right to see my daughter!"


She froze and turned with fire in her eyes. "Owen," she seethed. "I want my daughter."

"She is not your daughter," he shook his head and straightened his tie, "And you will address me as Mr. Blackbourne."

"I gave birth to her," She glared, "I carried her inside of me, she has my blood, she is mine."

"She may have your DNA but she is not yours," Dr. Green glared.

"You have no say in this Sean," she fumed, "you aren't her father."

"I am," Sean nodded. "According to the legal system, I am her father, we all are and you are not welcome here. You need to leave right now."

"I'm not leaving here without my daughter," Sheila crossed her arms. "You manipulated me into giving you my child and I want her back."

"You can think whatever you like, Sheila, but we all know that you were not manipulated and that this is not the place for this conversation," Owen said calmly. "We can have this conversation at another time through our lawyers, now leave before the police will get involved and it will not be good for you if they do have to come down here."

"I'm not leaving without my daughter, Owen," She glared.

"I already told you that you will address me as Mr. Blackbourne," Owen stared her down. "Now, I have already informed you that you are not on any legal documents pertaining to our daughter and you are not on any paperwork for this school district so you are not welcome here. In fact, you are currently trespassing so unless you actually do want the authorities involved and arrest you, you need to leave."

"This isn't over, you will be hearing from my attorney," Sheila fumed as she grabbed her purse.

"I look forward to it," Owen said while adjusting his cuff links.

She stormed out of the school and Owen sighed, "I apologize."

"We know you had no idea," The office lady shook her head. "We would never release any of our students to someone that isn't on their lists or we have been notified ahead of time of a change."

"Thank you, we appreciate it," Axel said. "Again, we apologize for this inconvenience."

"You aren't the first parents that have had a non custodial parent try to see a child," The office lady said shaking her head. "That is one of the reasons we are so adamant about making sure the pick up and release of information papers are filled out."

"Would you like for me to go get her now?" Luna asked and the group nodded.

"Please," Luke asked, "we want to go ahead and take her home."

"Of course," Luna smiled softly and left the office. Just as she took a few steps Night nudged her until she leaned against the wall. She shut her eyes and took a breath. Night scratched at the door.

"Luna, are you alright?" The office lady asked rushing out of the room.

"," She gasped as she tried to hold her hands together to get them to stop shaking. Night pressed his face into her dress until she slid down to the ground and hugged him.

The lady came back with her purse, "what am I looking for?"

"Luna, look at me," a deep voice said. She looked up and stared into the dark eyes of Silas Korba. "Hold my hands," he got down on his knees and held his hands out. She unclasped her hands and he gently took her tiny hands in his. "Don't take your eyes off mine," he gently commanded. "Copy my breathing to the best of your ability. In," He slowly inhaled, held it for a few seconds, then slowly let it out. "Good, that's great, now again."

Once she got her breathing under control, she pulled her hands out of his and blushed, "I'm so sorry." She slowly stood and brushed off her dress even though she was sure it was okay since she always wore leggings with her dresses. "I'll go get Skye right now. I apologize."

She rushed to her classroom and Sean frowned, "Does she constantly have panic attacks?"

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