Part 10

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You sat straight up hearing his voice. What would he be doing here? It was only 4PM. You decided to get dressed and wash some water over your face and clean up a little bit before going downstairs. You didn't want anyone seeing you like this. You walked downstairs trying to hide your blush.

As soon as your feet touched the floor the smell of his perfume washed over you. You froze, unable to look at Jamie or say anything to him. You just stood there looking everywhere but at him.

Jamie's deep blue eyes landed on you. "Hello darling" his voice sounded so happy and playful. Your heart stopped, it's beating echoing off every wall and in every corner of the house.  "I've missed you", his voice sounded genuine, but you just kept quiet staring into his eyes with a blank expression.

"What did you want?" Joseph asked  abruptly.

Jamie turned towards him, smiling sheepishly. "Well I was hoping you two would be up for a drink before dinner."  He replied with a suggestive smirk that caused your cheeks to flush crimson red. "Y/N and I have something to discuss"  He continued staring straight into your eyes with a mischievous twinkle. "If it's alright with you of course..." he trailed off, not really needing an answer.

You were silent as well unsure if you should speak or not. You glanced at Jamie who was still smiling at you expectantly.  Finally, you managed to muster up enough courage to speak. "Actually I'm not feeling very hungry" you stuttered awkwardly.

Jamie chuckled as you tried desperately to find some way to escape.
"Oh come now," he said softly. "There isn't any harm in having a drink." he added with more insistence in his tone.You gave a weak smile back at him. You turned towards Joseph who wore a frown on his face.  "Do you have to talk about this now?" he demanded. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. He seemed angry.
Jamie frowned, looking hurt by the accusation. "Come on now Joseph" he sighed. "It's just a drink."

"Fine. One drink." Joseph snapped glaring at Jamie as he started walking away.
Jamie grinned widely watching Joseph walk towards the kitchen. He looked up at you and offered you a warm smile that you simply returned.  You watched as he walked over to the living room, sitting down on the sofa as you slowly made your way over.
You stood there awkwardly as you fidgeted with your fingers nervously. You could feel the tension radiating off of him.

"Are you going to sit down, love?"  Jamie motioned to the empty seat next to him. You hesitated for a moment before taking a seat next to him. You avoided eye contact, your gaze focused on the floor. As you sat down your skirt hiked upwards slightly exposing more of your thigh. Instinctively you brought the hem down quickly.

Joseph walked in, three drinks in hand. He placed each one down on the table near the sofa and sat beside you.

As he took a sip of his drink, Jamie stared at the both of you intently, as if he wasn't sure how to break the awkward silence.

Joseph took a deep breath and said," Well Jamie, what did you want?"
Jamie nodded. He then cleared his throat before speaking. "First things first" he smirked at the two of you. "I would like to apologize to you both because I realize my actions may have given the wrong impression." He paused and looked directly at you as he spoke," But, if we are all being honest, it seems Joseph and I both fancy you." He paused before turning to Joseph. "What I really wanted to say is may the best man win."

Joseph rolled his eyes and sighed before taking another long swig from his drink. 

You had absolutely no idea what to say, so you remained silent, sipping on your drink.

"Jamie, get the hell out of my house!"   Joseph spat angrily. His eyes flashed with anger and annoyance as they looked from you to Jamie. His jaw tensed as he clenched his fist tightly.

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