Part 4

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It had been a few hours since you and Joseph had to say goodbye and you were still on cloud nine.

He had to return to his booth to continue taking photos and signing autographs for the hundreds of fans left waiting for their turn with him.
You agreed to meet him by the entrance at the end of the day once he was finished.

You were eager to be in his presence again. The smell of his cologne and cigarette still lingered on your clothes; It was intoxicating. Memories of your encounter played over and over in your mind, almost like a movie.

You decided to walk around the Expo to pass the time, grab some food, and mingle with other fans around.

Ding - your phone chimes. You look down at your lit-up screen and smile. It's him.

"I'm almost done love, meet me outside the entrance in 15 minutes." it reads.

Your heartbeat quickens with excitement instead of nerves this time.

As you make your way outside the doors you hear the remaining people left in the building gush about their time at the Expo and how they're sad it's over. You smile knowing your time with Joseph hasn't come to an end yet. You have no idea what to expect in the coming days, or if this is just for tonight but for now, you were happy.

It's now 10:00 pm and the building has been locked, the only people left coming out are the workers and special guests.

The temperatures droping fast, It's dark and the sky has a cool breeze to it. You start to shiver as you realize your coat is back in Cali's car, who is still nowhere to be found. You decide to light up a cigarette while you're waiting.

The wind doesn't cooperate as you fiddle around, hunching over your cigarette desperately trying to find an angle that will allow the flame to stand still. As you're working on lighting up your smoke you feel something heavy around your upper body. It startles you, extinguishing the flame you've been working so hard to keep.

You gasp and quickly turn around. You smile the moment you realize it's Joseph and he's just given you, his jacket.

He laughs, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but you looked cold."

You offer him a cigarette as you express your gratitude.

"Thank you, for letting me use your jacket, it's fucking cold, and I left my coat in my friend's car."

"Hey, don't even mention it, let's head to the hotel, we can warm up there." He says extending his right hand hand out to you, the other holding his cigarette.

You nod, placing your hand in his. He lifts it to his warm, soft lips giving it a tiny peck. Still holding your hand, he places it by his side and starts leading you down the concrete staircase towards the parking lot.

You walk up to a black SUV.

A man in a black jacket opens the back door, assuming this is the driver, you slide into the back with Joseph following close behind, never letting your hand drop from his. Once you're both settled he wraps his arm around you, and you instinctively place your head on him, closing your eyes.

As the car begins moving out of the parking lot Joseph kisses the top of your head. You both sit in silence for the rest of the drive. You've never been able to share a moment like this with someone else before and you know it must be strange that you're doing it now but you can't bring yourself to care because for once you're truly happy.


The vehicle comes to a stop and the door opens; you're greeted by the same man in the black jacket as before. You realize you're at the hotel. Joseph gets out first, he extends his hand to you, helping you off the black leather seat of the SUV and onto the black paved parking lot.

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