Part 8

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Joseph looked eagerly into your eyes. "These past few days with you have been spectacular." He reached for your hand holding it in his. "I know this is sudden and we just met but I can't help to feel like I need you... with me."  He trailed off giving you a weak smile. "I don't know if it's selfish to feel like this, but I can't keep pretending that I don't."

"Joseph, I-" You started but he cut you off.

"Don't say anything, please I understand that you've got other people waiting for you back home, I just... I can't stand the thought that you won't be mine anymore." Joseph said sadly.  "Not after everything that happened...I guess I am selfish."

Your heart ached. You looked at Joseph . There wasn't any hesitation, nor anger in him. Instead you saw a pleading need in his eyes... he wanted you and you wanted him too.
You couldn't believe that you were really saying this but you didn't regret it.

"Alright then... let's go."

As you and Joseph boarded the plane you were both swarmed by paparazzi. They were asking and shouting questions. But there was so much commotion you couldn't hear what they were shouting. You felt embarrassed by all of the attention. Joseph smiled and waved politely at everyone, while pulling you through the crowd and onto the plane. He led you to your seats and you both sat down, him in the aisle seat and you in the middle seat next to him.
"You okay?" He asked softly, turning to face you.

"Yeah." You replied quietly. "Just surprised, I wasn't expecting all those people with cameras."

Joseph rubbed his hand behind his neck and laughed lightly, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sorry about that. If I'm honest I'm not quite used to all the commotion either." Joseph chuckled. "But I promise to make it up to you."
He leaned towards you, giving you a brief kiss on the lips before sitting back against his chair. His hand reached over to grab yours. This simple gesture warmed your heart, and you could tell he meant it sincerely.

The flight seemed to fly by. You were both talking nonstop about your lives, the things you had done together when a familiar voice interrupted you.

"Joseph my dear boy!" You turn to see a slender man in all black hovering over you both in the aisle.

"Jamie! You're on this flight too? Come sit, join us!" Joseph pointed to the empty window seat beside you.
Jamie smiled at Joseph and nodded before sitting down next to you.

Jamie turned his attention towards you. "So, how was Toronto Y/N?"

You smiled shyly "Great thank you for asking!" Jamie raised an eyebrow but remained silent as he placed his hand on your thigh and patted it. "No need to be shy my dear, I don't bite." 

After a little bit more chatter with Jamie, which mainly consisted of him flirting with you, Joseph turned his body to face you. "So Y/N." he says a little too loud. "I thought for our first night in London I would take you out for dinner."

You laugh lightly. "I think I'd enjoy that very much Joseph"
He smiled, leaning back in his seat happily. "Perfect! Then we'll be able to have some quality time together!"

You glanced over to Jamie who looked rather pleased with himself. After spending so many days in constant company, you wondered why Jamie was here instead of back home with his family.

"You know! I know the most lovely little restaurant in London, why don't I make a reservation and the three of us can go tonight." Jamie suggested cheerily.

Joseph glanced over at him. "Uh- sure, sounds like a plan" Joseph said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.
Jamie shoots you a sly smirk.  "Ohh you'll love it Joseph. Trust me on that!"

As the plane began to descend into London Joseph leaned over you whispering something into your ear. "I'm going to grab something real quick."

"Okay." you whispered back. As soon as he left, Jamie's attention immediately drifted to you.

"You must be tired after all the long flights." Jamie said sympathetically, reaching his hand out to squeeze yours. You looked up at him. "Not as much as you are." You say jokingly, before realizing your hands were touching. Your cheeks couldn't help but turn red. You pulled away, trying to act as casual as possible.

Jamie grinned mischievously. "Well listen, I'm not going to waste time. I have an offer for you." he added suggestively.

"What kind of offer?" You ask curious, visibly gulping.

"Well, first, I know a place in the city where they make the best spaghetti bolognese in the world." He smirked at you.

You laugh softly "Is that so?"

His hand moved from your hand to your cheek. His thumb tracing circles on your skin. Your eyes widen slightly, suddenly feeling extremely tense under his touch. His fingers slowly trace their way around the base of your neck as Jamie leaned in and whispered in your ear. "If I'm honest Y/N I haven't been able to get you off my mind since I saw you at the Expo. I want you all to myself." He slowly pulled his head back, making sure his lips almost touched yours before leaning back in his seat.

Just as he leaned back Joseph returned with drinks for everyone.

"Here, I think we're going to need these."

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