No one knew who I was

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I've always seen them, Hanging out, At the parties, in class. Yet they haven't seen me, I feel like im a ghost. I'm just here, In the back, Watching them. Have fun. But after sometime passed they all started to get in their own problems

Family, School, fights, Enemies, Lovers. Then the grabber came, Took their group apart. One. By. One. It started off with y/l/n, I've noticed her before. She was the new kid, at first everyone thought she was weird.

No one really hung out with her, But then the blake siblings came into her life, Welcomed her into their little group. Y/n always caught my eye, She was different. Very different. She caught most of the boy's eyes but robin didn't let them go one step near her. Yet she never noticed

Then after y/n it was robin to get grabbed. Robin arellano was one of the most well-known kids, great fighter too. So when he went missing everyone was shocked, robin arellano, One of their most loved fighters in the school

I knew robin but only a bit, Me and him only really spoke one time. But that one time, I will never forget. I was getting bullied, I didn't know how to protect myself...But robin stood up for me.

He was really cool, As long as you weren't a bitch to his friends or family.

Then after robin,Was finney. Finney blake. Finney was cool, Smart, Loved space too. He was a shy kid, But, I noticed after y/n came he started to become more social. I've seen him smile more. He's a good brother. I can tell, him and gwenny blake, His younger sister are best friends.

I wish i had someone like that.

Although finney was smart and cool he would get picked on, For nothing too. I always found it stupid that kids would pick on him, Finney did nothing wrong. He deserved better, Plus his family life wasn't the greatest. You might be wondering "Griffin how do you know? You little weirdo?" Or something like that

But my mom was friends with his mom, Then, She passed away. My mom told me that after she passed away finney and gwenny's dad wasn't the best after she died.

He was heartbroken.

Anyways moving on. Those are the kids that have been taken, the only kids who alive and not taken are bruce yamada, vance hopper, Billy showalter and gwenny blake also donna

Bruce yamada, He was a popular boy at school. Every girl would drool over him, It was gross. I liked bruce tho, He was cool i guess. I kinda knew a lot about everyone really

Bruce yamada was really into baseball, i think everybody has to be at some point to be honest. Bruce was a good person that's for sure, He had a good heart.

Now moving onto vance hopper, He scared the shit out of me. He had really really bad anger issues, But the thing i noticed was he always had a soft spot for gwenny. Gwenny was like a little sister to vance

(And i think vance was always just scared of gwenny too)

Vance also had a soft spot for bruce, They were the best duo. Complete opposites but really good together (as friends) Bruce was a calm boy. Very cool and nice meanwhile vance on the other hand wasn't so very nice

He was a massive hot head, Yet he's very protective when it comes to his friends. Especially the blake siblings, I honestly think vance see's them as his younger siblings.

Just like finney and gwenny, Vance's dad wasn't the best. Vance had a lot going on so thats why i think he's such a hot head. Vance was also a fighter, Just like robin. They were the strongest kids there.

Just like bruce, Vance has girls drooling all over him, yet, they're also scared of him. One thing you should always know is to never EVER get on vance's bad side.

Then gwenny blake, Gwenny was bad ass. I've seen her fight before, She really does know how to take a punch. Her and finney were the best siblings in denver, Thats what i think if we're being honest.

Gwenny hides her vulnerable side, thats the one thing i noticed. I think gwenny noticed me too before yet she never really bothered to talk to me.

No one ever bothered to talk to me.

Every fight, party, Anything really i was there too. Mostly because my older brother (hes a stupid golden child) Gets invited to stupid popular parties. But most of the time i just walk out and go to the park or back to my house

My parents don't really talk to me either. No one did. No one knew who i was. But if they did know who i was, people would know me as 'Johnny's younger brother'

Then we got billy showalter and donna clarke

Donna was a beautiful girl,But i think its pretty obvious she was finney's girl. Donna was popular and very smart, she was the girl every one knew. Most of the boys wanted her and y/n

Donna was a peaceful girl, Never got into fights, Never talked back, Never did anything wrong. Straight A's girl, mostly everyone wanted to be friends with her or get close to her.

I seen her slowly form into the girl she is now. And trust me, It was surprising.

Last but not least billy showalter. He was also another kid that was well-known, He was the newspaper boy. But he was a bit more under neath that newspaper suit.

He was a middle class kid, Had a good house, good clothes, gppd relation with most of the people. Yet. What happened in his house wasn't so pretty, his true best friend was his dog.

His parents got him the dog because once again they've been trying to become more rich and rich by the second. His parents didn't really get along the best tho, billy would go on bike rides whenever his parents had fights

Me and him used to be friends. That was before his parents didn't want him hanging out with me. They called me a 'lower class student' although that wasn't true. I didn't really like billy's parents and they didn't like me.

There you guys have it. The inside scoop of the group almost everyone knows of in school, i wonder who will be next from the group to be grabbed

Definitely not me.

At least...

I hope. But no one would probably notice..Not even my parents.


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