oh shit.

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"NO FUCKING WAY." I say running into my brother's arms "Language." My dad says "WE MISSED YOUU." Victor says. Salem cuts victor off and says "Who are they?." "i was just about to say the same thing." gwen shoots back

"okay okay okay. So this is finney and gwen my best friends. And these are my older brothers. Antonio, Salem, And victor." i say "Hey" My brothers say

"Hi!" Gwen and finney say, "Well we should probably get going, See you tmr y/n?" Gwen says "Totally" I say smiling. I hug finney and gwen goodbye, i then turn back to my brothers "I like her outfit" Victor says

"I- Thats nice- BUT LETS CHECK OUT YOUR ROOMS!" I say dragging them upstairs. I missed them a lot. I've been so miserable without them, My life did not feel complete without them. But they're back now!

I show antonio his room first "Holy shit. This looks amazing y/n! You did this all by yourself?" "Yep!" i say happily. He smiles at me and hugs me "Thank you. <3" "You are so very welcome<3" i say

I leave his room and let him rest. I then walk salem into his room "OH MY LORD." He says surprised "MY BOOKS! MY ART! THIS IS SO COOL." I smile "This is great, Thank you so much" Salem says

I pull him into a tight hug. I missed seeing my brothers so much, Its been so long since i've seen them. Now its victors turn- I walk victor to his room and he just stands there

"holy fuck.." Victor says "Do you not like it?" i say a bit worried "I LOVE IT!!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING." Victor says. We hug for a while and then i go back into my room.

Someone knocks on the door "Its open!" i say and antonio walks in "You're going to school right?" "yeah why?" i say a bit confused "me and salem wanna drop you off at school alr." "Sounds good Antonio" antonio leaves and i slowly start to go to sleep

The next day

"Y/N GET UP!" Salem screams "OKAY." I scream as i get up and start to get dressed.

I walk downstairs and salem and antonio are already ready, i put on my shoes Victor gives me a hug and i get into antonios black car

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I walk downstairs and salem and antonio are already ready, i put on my shoes Victor gives me a hug and i get into antonios black car

I walk downstairs and salem and antonio are already ready, i put on my shoes Victor gives me a hug and i get into antonios black car

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It looked like this but with no roof. Antonio starts driving and salem sits in the passenger seat. We finally arrive and i see robin "Oh shit." i say trying to hide from robin

"What? Why are you hiding?" antonio says looking back at me "Is someone fucking with you?" salem says ITS LIKE HE ALWAYS KNOWS EVERYTHING. "Kindaa." I say "C'mon i'll walk you in the school." salem says pissed

"Salem its alright" i say "Im walking you in. Lets go." salem says. I open the car door and say goodbye to antonio, Salem puts his arm over my shoulder and he gives everyone a mean look

"Oh god.." i mumble "Hey y/n!" bruce says "Who are you." salem says "Salem chill out. This is my best friend bruce" I say scoffing "Hey!" bruce says

Bruce is always so friendly and i love it so much. Hes like a golden retriever if im being honest- Bruce always has a smile on his face and i just adore it.

"hey bruce" Salem says then i see robin. I go silent and salem notices "which shit head here has been fucking w you?" salem says "uhh." I say hesitantly. I look over at robin and salem looks at robin too

Robin walks over to bruce and he looks MADD "Who are you." Robin says to salem with a bitchy attitude "Im her brother. I just got out of jail." salem says walking closer to robin

"and who the fuck are you huh?" salem says. "salem chill out" I say while grabbing him. "alright. well i gotta go bye y/n see you later." Salem says. "Hey y/-" "Fuck off robin." I say pushing through him and bruce

"YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE WAITING FOR YOUUUU" i yell while walking into the building. "princess wait up!" Bruce yells, i stop walking and he runs to catch up with me

He puts a arm around me and says "I missed you princess!" "i missed you too<3" i look back and see robin and maria giving me a nasty look

I flip them off and continue to walk with bruce. Well today is gonna be fun~...


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