Y/n VS Maria.

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I was in the bathroom washing my hands. Then maria comes storming in "Woah what the fuck maria?" i say giving her a confused look frowning my eyebrows. "YOU ARE THE REASON ROBIN GOT HURT"

"What the fuck? are you high maria?" i say still confused "NO YOU IDIOT." She screams at me, i walk closer to her and say "What the fuck did you just say to me bruja?"

"YOU HEARD ME. YOU IDIOT." She screams, Now c'mon like we aren't in second grade maria is the word "Idiot" supposed to be a big threat? I roll my eyes and say "Feeling bold today now aren't we?"

She swings at me "Guess we are feeling bold today" i say before knocking her ass to the ground. I continuously punch her, She rolls me over so she can get up. We both stand up and she tries to kick me

I dodge and kick her in the stomach making her bend over. I put her in a headlock and punch her in the stomach, We continue to fight for a while but then a teacher walks in


She grabs me and maria by the collar and holy shit... I see bruce and robin in the office. They both look pretty bad and i just look at them shocked and confused

"NOW ALL OF YOU GUYS STAY IN HERE AND WE ARE CALLING YOUR PARENTS" The teacher screams "Shiver me timbers" I say because i couldn't give one flying fuck if she called my parents

She slams the door and now its just me, The bruja, Bruce, And the other idiot. I look at the floor and say "Are you guys insane...ARE YOU GUYS INSANE" Robin and bruce look at me with sorrow in their eyes

"Your stupid friend hurt my ba-" "Maria call robin your baby one more fucking time and im gonna beat the living shit out of you again." i say pissed off. Maria shuts up instantly and i tell robin and bruce

"What happened." Bruce and robin start talking over each other and argue "SHUT UP." I yell. "one at a time. Bruce go ahead." i say "well robin got all mad for no fucking reason, I guess he got jealous?-" Bruce says

"I DID NO-" "ROBIN WHAT DID I SAY. ONE AT A TIME." i yell again. I tell bruce to continue "As i was saying. Robin got jealous and i called him out for that. Then he got all mad and threw the first punch at me"

I look at robin with disbelief "You fucking idiots." i tell bruce and robin "YOU IDIOTS FOUGHT OVER THAT. JUST THAT." "Basically.." robin mumbles. I shake my head and put my hands on my face

"its always something. Always." i say annoyed. "Y/N I KNOW YOU'RE NOT TALKING" robin yells "SHUT THE FUCK UP ROBIN. IM TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT. HOLY FUCK DUDE. YOU AND YOUR GF ARE SO ANNOYING." I scream

"SHES NOT MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND" Robin screams "IM NOT?" Maria tells robin with tears in her eyes "SHE ISN'T?" i say confused. "NO. SHE WAS NEVER EVER MY GIRLFRIEND."

Bruce giggles and i can't help it but i giggle too "I-ITS NOT FUNNY" Maria yells shakily "YES IT IS" Bruce says laughing

"YOU JUST GOT CALLED OUT PFTTTT" I yell while laughing. The laughing gets interrupted by someone knocking, We all face the doorway and we see the teacher

"Uh y/n your uhm...Brothers are here..." The teacher says a bit scared. Victor and salem lean on the door frame and antonio stands in the middle "Lets go" antonio says taking off his sun glasses.

Victor gives bruce, Maria, And robin a dirty look and salem scoffs.

I grab my stuff and walk towards my brothers. Salem puts his arm around my shoulder and whispers "Did ya win?" "Of course." I say giggling.

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