The dance

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I get up from the mattress and walk over to victors room still pissed off just a bit. I swing open victors door and he gets startled "WHA- Y/n. Im trying to get clear skin." he says "I DONT CARE. NOW TELL ME WHAT SALEM SAID TO FINNEY AND ROBIN."

"y/n..." victor says. I sit down on his bed "Tell me. Please?" i beg him with puppy dog eyes "UGH. FINE." he says, i smile and he rolls his eyes. "so uhh. Please dont get mad at salem but he kinda threatened?... Uh robin and finney"

"But what exactly did he say victor." I say, And victor looks guilty as hell. "Victor. I need to know." I say "Fine. He was saying how robin should back off and leave you alone." "like...Ignore me?" I say "Yeah.." Victor says

"Hijo de puta." I say while walking out pissed off. I go to salems room and swing open the damn door "REALLY. THREATEN MY FRIENDS SALEM." He looks at me confused "What the fuck are you talking about y/n" He says getting up and walking closer to me

"Don't act like you don't know. I figured you out salem, And to THREATEN MY FUCKING FRIENDS? You think that shits okay? You think i wouldn't find out?" i say pushing salem "Y/n. Chill out." Salem says

"FUCK THAT. 'Chill out' how about you chill out bro. Threatening kids. MY FRIENDS." I say getting closer to him "y/n. i just thou-" "THOUGHT WHAT. That its okay to say stupid shit to robin because he used to be my enemy. WELL HE USED TO BE SALEM."

"Y/N STOP ACTING LIKE YOU NEVER HATED HIM BEFORE" Salem yells at me, i scoff at salem "Back the fuck off salem." i say before walking out and slamming the door behind me. I run my fingers thru my short/long hair

"hey.." I turn behind me to see who it was and it was robin "Oh sorry robin...Did i wake you up?" I say trying to calm myself down "Well i kinda heard what went down with salem..Im sorry" He says

"its whatever. Don't worry about it robin, You didn't do anything wrong. Now lets just go back to sleep because we have school tomorrow." I try to walk back to the room but robin grabs me

He gives me a hug "y/n im gonna be here for you. alright?" he says. I stop for a moment and feel relieved in robins arms, I take a deep breathe and exhale slowly. "thank you...Robin." I say hugging him back

"OH Y/N BY THE WA-" Its victors dumbass and he just walked out of his room. Me and robin look at victor then back at each other, I lay my head on robins chest and giggle

"Im just gonna-" Victor runs back into his room and robin looks at me and puts a piece of hair behind my ear. "Ready for tomorrow?" he asks. "of course" I say giggling

He smiles and takes my hand, We walk back into the room and lay down. I stare at robin and his beautiful short brown hair, and his big brown eyes. "like the view?" Robin says teasingly

"oh shut up" I say jokingly. "Im gonna go to sleep, Goodnight y/n" Robin says. I nod and play with his hair to make him fall asleep faster, I can't believe im now laying in the same bed as my enemy. I never expected this to happen. Ever.

I then fall asleep with my head on robins chest

|The day of the dance|

"WAKEY WAKEYY" gwenny says, I open my eyes to see gwenny already in her costume. You can tell she was really excited "Good morning gwen-" i say rubbing my eyes. I look to my right and see robin still sleeping

"i'll let you deal with him" gwenny says as she makes kissing noises. I roll my eyes and then gwen walks out, I move robins hair out of his face so he could see "Robin, Its time to wake up" I say softly

"5 more minutes" He says in a raspy tired voice "Come on robin we have to get up" I say "Ma 5 more minutesss" He says. I giggle and then he finally sits up "Well good morningg" I say to him

"morninggg" He says to me, I get up and go to the bathroom to put on my costume that gwen wanted me to go as. I fix my hair and the dress and i stand there a bit in shock "Now i really look like a princess" i say quietly "You always do" I look behind me and its robin who said that

I smile and look at his costume. He was a scarecrow, He looked very adorable if im being honest. "oh uh there is gonna be a party after school ends by the way. And gwen,finn, And me are going as something different for the party. So if you have another costume you wanna wear. Wear it." Robin says

I nod and walk out the bathroom "GWENNYYY I LOOK FUNNY" finney yells as he's in his lion costume. Robin burst's out laughing and finn gives him a death stare. "OMG Y/N YOU LOOK GREATTT" gwenny says running to me "THANK YOU!! AND YOU LOOK GORGEOUS" I say excitedly

"Lets get going" Robin says as salem walks down the stairs. Salem looks at me but i roll my eyes, We all walk out of the house and begin to walk to school. Me and gwenny are infront of robin and finney

"sooo, You and robin?" gwen says. i shrug my shoulders "I don't even know, I mean he could just be playing me or something..I dont even know if he actually likes me" i say walking. "Oh please." Gwenny says "What?" i say scoffing

"I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. And you and Robin were literally cuddling" Gwen says "Nuh uhhh. No way." I say laughing "I swear on my dad y/n" Gwenny says laughing with me

"sure sure" I say. We finally make it to school and we see everyone's costumes "uhhh" Finney says "we're definitely gonna win. I mean, Look at us." i say. It was the truth! Everyone looked good. Especially robin.

We all head inside and i see bruce!!! "BRUCE!!!" I say "PRINCESS!!!" He says with opens arms to hug me. I jump into his arms and he twirls me around, I giggle "You look amazing princess!" Bruce says

Bruce went as a zombie baseball player, His makeup was cool as hell "Thank you <3" I say. Bruce looks behind me and looks at finney "Nice costume finn!" He says "You look really pretty gwenny" Bruce says

And then robin and bruce look at each other, "You look cool robin" bruce says with a soft smile. I swear bruce always tends to stay positive, and i love it. I adore it. "thanks man" robin says

"okay im gonna go to the gym! See you princess" Bruce says before grabbing my hand and giving it a little kiss. He smiles and walks away, I look at robin and i see his hand in a fist. "lets go" Finney says

Gwen and finn run to the gym but me and robin take our time. "so..." robin says "Its not what you think robin. I know we look like we're dating but me and bruce are just best friends." I say to robin giving him a warm smile

Robin looks at me and smiles too, We then make it to the gym doors and stand at the entrance "Ready?" robin says. I take his hand and hold it "Ready." I say

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