《 Chapter 4: Hero is Born Pt. 2 》

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Mk and his team are now riding in Pigsy's Food Truck while Nuo is riding Chiang besides the truck.

"Very tight!" Mk wheezed out.

"Pigsy, watch where you're going! You're gonna kill us!" Tang cried out.

"Yeah, we gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smushed in a car crash. All we need to do is drive through an entire ocean. Simple." Mk said.

"Guys! Demon Bull King has moved onto downtown. He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!" Mei called out, looking at her phone.

"We better move fast!" Nuo said, worried about how many shards of the dragon gem he's collecting.

"What Nuo said! All the more reason to get this staff back to Monkey King. Flower Fruit Mountain. It's the only place he could be. Right, Mr. Tang?" Mk said then asked.

"Indeed. However, Flower Fruit Mountain is hidden away, deep in dangerous and unknown territory. So, I guess we better turn back!" Tang replied so casually.

"What?!!" Mk, Nuo, and Mei chorused.

"Shut it, you big baby. I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous, deadly, raged-filled warrior I've ever known." Pigsy said before stepping on the gas to go faster.

This caused Mk, Mei, and Tang to scream at the speed while Nuo and Chiang goes faster until Pigsy stops the food truck at the harbor.

"Sandy." he breathed out.

Inside Sandy's boat, MK's team quiver in fear while Nuo looks worried with Chiang being on guard as they see Sandy with a butcher knife.

"That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace? Serve them tea!"

Suddenly, his intimidating aura fades off to a happy one as he shows them a tea set.

"You guys want some? You? How about that guy over there? Huh? Huh?"

Nuo was surprised at this as she took a good look at him as he reminded her of Tong. She took a cup of tea, nodding to him in thanks. Sandy sees Chiang and pets her, making her purr.

"Aren't you a cute big girl? Where'd you get her?"

"It's a long story."

Sandy nodded in understanding and Tang raises his hand.

"Oh, yes! Don't mind if I do. Certain noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy."

"Oh, your right piggy, this guy is dangerous. He'll kill us with cuteness!" Mei added.

Mei puts one of Sandy's therapy cats on top of Pigsy's head.

"It's my own blend of anti-stress fruits. It really brings the heart rate down." Sandy explained proudly.

Pigsy shot up with disbelief.

"Sandy! What happened to you? Where's the angry, glass-chewing, fist-throwing buddy I used to know?" he cried angrily.

"Oh well, my therapist said I really needed to calm down. That's why I started drinking tea. Doing yoga. Investing in therapy cats. Really helps. Oh, don't you, Mo?"

Sandy pets his blue cat who looks like him. Mei pulls Nuo over to the ground for them to get on their knees.

""Oh Mr. Sandy sir. We could really use your help. We've gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain!" she pleaded with puppy eyes.

Mk also gets on his knees besides them and did the same puppy eyes with Nuo confused on what is going on.

"Please, the fate of the world is at state."

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