《 Chapter 3: Hero is Born 》

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Nuo and Mk listens as Tang narrates about the legendary Monkey King defeating against the Demon Bull King. But Nuo is not fully listening as she is remembering the day when she first met Mk's friends and getting used to this city.



Nuo was hanging out with Mei for their girl time as Mei would call it as she was in Mei's Dragon House she had ever seen. She was amazed at the sight and really wanted to reveal herself as a water dragon, but she has some trust issues and is learning to trust Mei. They are in Mei's room as she asked Nuo about herself as she told her half-truth about herself. When she mentioned how she enjoy the city of Megapolis, which led Nuo to look sad as she told her what happened when Mk was giving her a tour. Mei was very mad.

"WHAT?!! How dare they?! You look absolutely beautiful, I mean, look at your hair! Tell me..."

She suddenly pulls out her phone to reveal a red button as her eyes are shadowed with a red glint in her eyes.

"Where are they?"

Immediately catching on what she is asking, she shook her head and waved her hands rapidly.

"No, no, no! It's fine! They're not worth it. Though, I do look... a little hideous..."

Mei frowned to see her doubting herself before her eyes widened as light bulb popped out of her head.

"What if... you prove them wrong?"

Nuo looked at her in confusion.


"Let's get you a new makeover. A new you! A new Nuo that no one will ever recognize! Well, except me and your friends!"

"I think... I'm starting to get what you're getting. But... will it be worth it?"

"Yes! I know just a person who can help!!" Mei grinned.

She dialed a number and placed her phone by her ear.


Before Nuo knew it, she's standing next to Mei as a woman and two men walk into the room.

"Lucy!! So great to see you!" Mei squealed, hugging her.

"It's good to see you, too!" Lucy chuckled, hugging back.

Lucy is a female code-breaker with yellow skin and black dot eyes. She had black hair with fuchsia and neon blue highlights. She has freckles and wears pink lipstick. She wears a black hoodie with neon blue and fuchsia stripes on it.

"Alright! Let's not waste time! Let the work begin!" Mei said, pulling away.

"Of course! Where is your friend?" Lucy asked.

"My friend, Nuo!"

Mei gestured to Nuo besides her. Lucy turned to face Nuo and nearly yelped at the sight of her hair with a bit of messy clothes she had ever seen.

"Oh my! Let us take a closer look."

Lucy takes a closer look at her face then to her hair.

"Hmm... Alright. Let's see what we can do. Boys, we're going to need lots of makeover and some brand-new clothes for her. It needs to match her and her personality. Hustle!"

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