《 Chapter 2: Exploring the City 》

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Meanwhile, the phone call was heard, and the shadow figure of the person walks through, passing by the heads of every animal, mystical and celestial beings, and demons, etc. on the wall. They picked up and answered in a bored tone.


A muffled voice is heard on the other end of the line.

"Huh? A big cat? Really?"

Then a last line from the phone got them thrilled as their eyes widened.

"A dragon?!"

They immediately hung up the phone and walked past the animal control soldiers with their arms folded behind their back.

"When l was seven, l strangled my first parrot, flushed my first goldfish..."

They walked up to their desk and stroked the snake pencil holder.

"...punched my first snake." they said before chuckling.

They stroke the fur of the white with black stripes with a hint of blue that's hanging on the chair behind the desk that looked like a coat.

"Especially, my most favorite part of childhood is killing one of the Five Heavenly Beasts. The white tiger of the West. Now l have finally reached the moment l have been preparing for my entire life."

They opened the cabin to reveal the traps, weapons, and everything they use to kill and hunt. They took out the gun and places the red dart inside and spins it.

"The pinnacle of my career: to hunt the most powerful dragon of the world!"

They held up the tranquilizer gun and shot it perfectly towards the wooden wall as the dart stabs it. They start to pack up their things as they places their weapons and traps in their pockets and around themselves. A sadistic grin was shown through the ray of light with a big long scar on their left cheek. As soon as they're ready, they gathered their men and drove off in their motorcycle to find Nuo and Chiang. The dart they shot at revealed the chalk line of the head of the dragon with the golden name tag said "Dragon".


Nuo wakes up from the ray of sunlight hitting her face and lifts her head up, stretching her limbs before yawning. She looks around to see she's in Mk's home, making her frown and wishing it was the dream. Nuo shapeshift into a human form as she approaches a sleeping Chiang and goes through the bags from the saddle that held. She takes out a water dragon sword gifted by Raya, which made her smile fondly then brings out a big spine axe gifted by Tong as she gives it a swing before placing them back inside. She digs inside and pulls out a big pouch, which made her realize she had jades inside that people use to buy items. She hopes these could help when she discovers the whole city. Nuo dug her hand back inside when she felt something and pulled out to reveal the recipe book. Opening it, she remembers asking Boun for a recipe for her to learn how to cook as well as from her friends. She felt tears pouring down as they drop onto the paper and she closes her eyes briefly, already missing them.

The sound of the door opening snaps her out of her grief and quickly wipes it off. She turns to see a sleepy Mk as he yawns, stretching his limbs before heading into the bathroom. Nuo starts thinking of how she could return his kindness for bringing them in. She looks down at the recipe book and gets the idea. Nuo starts heading towards the kitchen and gets nervous since she'd never seen these kinds of kitchen before and is willing to try. She pulls out the book and looks at it before getting it and looks at the strange looking door and opens it to reveal some ingredients she might need. Nuo shivers a little at the coldness, not knowing that she opened a refrigerator. Whelp, time to get to work.

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