Chapter 59 (Who Paid Him to Slander Me?)

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Rosé was currently hiding inside her room.

It’s been a whole day since the time she ran away from Jisoo.

She did not even bother answering Hanbin and Jennie’s calls and text messages.

After her cold shower for almost an hour yesterday, she suddenly felt like her body was submerged in a frozen lake.

When she woke up, she found that she had a fever. She was shivering all over.

She tried to stand up but she could not. Fortunately, the medicine box was right in the side cabinet near her bed.

She downed a couple of tablets and went back to sleep after.

Her rest was disturbed when someone rang her doorbell.

She wanted to ignore it but the person who was pressing the button was very persistent as if their life was on the line.

It had been ten minutes but the doorbell did not stop ringing.

Rosé could only grunt and got up slowly out of the bed while dragging her sore body towards the door.

"Who is it?"

Rosé shouted but her voice was so hoarse that it could not be heard outside.

She sounded like an old grandma with a lot of phlegm inside her lungs.

She coughed a couple of times to clear her voice and once again asked.

"Who is it?"

This time, she successfully said it louder.

The doorbell stopped ringing.

She slowly walked towards the door while tracing her hands on the wall to support herself for walking.

She weakly opened the door and found a huge box standing at the front of her doorstep.

(A/N: Gosh.. I suddenly remembered Zoe from TOTGA! Hahaha. XD)



When Lisa arrived at Jennie’s hospital room, the first thing she noticed was the red roses that were arranged neatly inside the flower vase.

Jennie noticed her and immediately went forward to meet her.

"You’re back?"

She kissed Lisa's cheeks and smiled sweetly.

"Yeah.. How are you today?"

Lisa murmured while burying her face on Jennie’s neck.

Lisa tightened hee embrace and started to wander her hands around Jennie's body.

Jennie gasped.

She could feel her body heating up.

"Lisa.. Ahh."

Jennie could not help but moan when Lisa slowly stroked her butt.

Lisa kissed her neck before letting her go.

She released Jennie from her embrace and carried her towards the sofa while towing her IV fluids.

She cuddled Jennie on hee lap and stroked her hair to calm herself.

The doctor already said that she should not tire Jennie out in two months so she could only taste her bit by bit without eating her completely.

She could only force down her desire and bottle it up inside herself.

When Lisa stroked her hair as if saying that they should stop and be contented in cuddling, Jennie could not help but feel annoyed.

Due to her pregnancy, her sexual urges increased.

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