Chapter 52 (The White Lotus Bitch)

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When Rosè opened her eyes, she saw that she was lying on a very huge bed.

The design of the room exuded a masculine touch in every corner.

She felt her body freeze as she realized that she was inside a foreign room.

She immediately stood up but unfortunately, she fell back on the bed.

She saw stars and the world turned upside down.

She tried to crawl towards the restroom to puke.

When she opened the door, she did not realize that there was someone using the shower room.

Due to dizziness, she half-closed her eyes while stretching her hands at the front to feel her surroundings.

When she arrived at the lavatory, she puked her guts out.

After gurgling and washing her face, she looked at the mirror and noticed a silhouette inside the shower room that was only divided by a shower curtain.

Rosé gulped.

'Oohh… A live action ah…'

Rosé might be a naughty woman but this was the first time in her life that she would see a 'masterpiece'.

She slowly walked towards the silhouette.

(A/N: Aiyaa!! Aren’t you afraid that maybe that person inside is a bad guy or a pervert?!)

She slowly pulled the curtain and saw a butt naked woman facing her back to her.

Rosé subconsciously covered her face with her hands but she left a huge hole for her eyes to see the delicious 'delicacy' in front of her.

She did not know but maybe the woman noticed her fervent gaze so she immediately turned her body towards Rosé.

After seeing her firm biceps and her huge rod waving at her, Rosé could not help but exclaim while staring at Jisoo’s manhood.

"Ahh!! So huge!!!"

Rosé could feel her blood rushing towards her head.




Blood could be seen on the floor.

Rosé wanted to grab a broom and fly away immediately.

This is the most humiliating moment of her life.

She got a nosebleed in front of the man she liked.

She acted like a pervert.

A total destruction of her 'delicate and pure' image.

(A/N: Delicate?? Pure?? Where?! XD)

A major turnoff.

Rosè closed her eyes and fainted… Not!

She pretended to faint so she could escape this humiliation.

She let her body fell on the floor knowing that it would hurt like hell.

But she did not have a choice.

Unfortunately, she felt her body was grabbed upward.

She stilled and played dead.

She felt that she was carried away from the restroom.

'What the heck?! I'm doomed!!!'

Rosé wanted to cry but lacked tears to shed.


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