Giyu x Deaf! Reader

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I will be using the pronouns : She / Her

Y/N was a mysterious pillar, she had a disability of being deaf, making her use sign language. Though that didn't stop her making friends.

And the best thing of all, (to Giyu) she wasn't annoying. She wouldn't be loud and talk. But instead use her language to speak. Giyu found it nice to talk to her and soon opened up to her.

However, this all changed when she mysteriously disappeared while going on a mission. Giyu was frantic and thought his curse activated on Y/N. The poor dude looked everywhere, under futons, under rocks and even in her estate. Days went by and she finally came back to them.

Y/N sighed as she weakly walked through the forest, was that a dream? Wait, no.... it isn't. She could hear! She ran all the way to the butterfly mansion, late at night. Frantically knocking on the door. Shinobu opened the door to see a injured Y/N. Bruised. Scratched. And cut. Shinobu gasped and called Aoi to come to the door. Aoi rushed her to a room while Shinobu sent a crow to alert Ubuyashiki about the incident.

Moments later, Giyu arrived at her room. His appearance looked normal while inside he was breaking down. Y/N sensed the feelings he had and motioned him to come over, opening her arms wide. Giyu shuffled over to her and hugged her. "I'm glad your okay." She smiled. Giyu's eyes widened as he realised she had warmed up when he said that. He looked at her. "I....I a-am h....happy ..... too."

Sudden tears fell out of his soulless eyes, Y/N panicked and squirmed to see what was wrong. Giyu then leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Kissing her on the lips. Her eyes widened at the fact he kissed her. Only to kiss him back. But Shinobu had to ruin the moment.

"Ara ara~! Looks like Tomioka-san found a lover!" Y/N giggled at her act. Leaving Shinobu wide-eyed to her reaction. "Did you ju-" "Yes I-I did." Y/N said. She used her sign language. 'I'll use my language to explain.' Shinobu nodded. 'Alright.' The butterfly girl answered. 'Uh, are we forgetting me?' Giyu then added with his hands. Y/N laughed at his motions. 'Of course not.' She replied. A smile plastered her face. The moonlight illuminating her features. Her silky long/short/medium flowing in the light. Giyu knew he saw and angel.

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