The Last Days

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"Oh lord Athena, please take this sacrifice and remove chaos from whoever owns this necklace." Lexi spoke dropping the necklace into the fire as it burnt.

We stared at the fire as it crackled in the moon light.
"Alright! I'm going to bed. See everyone in the morning." I say as I slide into my sleeping bag.

Now is the time where I'm concerned about my dreams. I've spoken about two and now it's about my third one now.

"But, I did what you asked!" Dream Richie exclaimed.
"And you also failed at it. Do you not understand that my mother will kill you? I'm sparing you right now. Get out of my sight immediately." Hoodie boy spoke.

"Yet I'm the reason you stand here before me." He scowled before storming away from the room.

"That idiot couldn't gain the necklace. It was the only way to take them down perfectly. Now my only hope. Is the Golden Apple of Eris."

My dream shifted to the room again. The apple was stolen and the cow looking monster was gone.
But my dream shifted again, it was a lady in the Underworld holding the apple in chains. It wasn't Eris but it looked like a Daughter of Aphrodite, judging by how beautiful she was.

I was awoken shortly as I looked at my questmates.
"I think the apple is in safe hands. As long as we eliminated the necklace we're good."

"I had the same dream, as long as Harmonia has it. Eris can't plan her full attack." Noah explained.

"It's sad to see you go Lexi," I smiled once more before she got into the Airport.
"Yeah, and tell that hunk-o-junk to actually mail letters to me this time." She rolled her eyes at Kyle.
"Yeah okay fine I'll try my best." He scowled looking to his left.

We gave her one last hug before she entered the airport.

We got back into the cab and Noah held out the train tickets.
"Don't worry I asked Kyle not to blow up this train too."
"Yeah yeah..."


(I added a part so this doesn't feel like it ended randomly)

"Congratulations on this quest,  you didn't die. since you have made it back and sacrificed the Necklace, I think it's time for Alia to have her first year as a legionnaire." Frank spoke.

"I would try to say the entire SPQR but I failed at it, SPQR Forever!" I cheered and then grabbed my wrist in pain as the trident and one line burnt into my wrist, "OW OW OKAY THAT HURT!"

Noah burst out in laughter as Kyle looked unamused, his face saying, Seriously? That hurt? Please. Try having 5 lines.

Us three walked back to the Cohort, talking gleefully. (Read: Only Noah and I, apparently one of the Fourth's Legionnaires pooped in the baths and Kyle is back on his duty)


I was in the Fourth Cohort after a year and two months of our last quest. It was sunny as it was Late May.

I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling.
When I felt the voice in my head again, "Alia Parker, you need to officially find that apple. The whole thing was forcefully manipulated by Trivia."
"Who are you?" I ask whispering.
The voice didn't come back. I got up and ran to Kyle.

"WAKE-UP!" I yelled.
"For Mars' sake what?!"

"The apple is still there. We failed our quest."
Kyle looked at me in shock, as he threw his black croc at Noah's head.
"Noah I'm scheduling a meeting with the Praetors. You and Alia get packed up. We need to leave as soon as possible.


Hi demigods! I really didn't expect the story to end so quickly but I slowly ran out of motivation.
The second book will come soon.
And love the cliff hanger 😏😏

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