Visiting a less deadlier Camp be like:

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According to Ancient Greek stories. The necklace is cursed. What good will it do against the apple?
This isn't math logic right? Two negatives multiplied is a positive?
That's what Lexi said by the way. I hate math.

After I forgave Noah and Kyle for beating me up in Capture the Flag. (Mainly forgave Kyle cause Noah made me bleed and I was mad at him)

"So what's our plan?" I asked.
Kyle spoke, "If we find the necklace maybe the apple won't be as effective when we find it."
"Exactly! We can cancel the discord out and whatever force is attacking will stop!" Lexi smiled.
"Sounds good but then again how can we be so sure. Old stories said the necklace caused dis-harmony and grief to those who wore it." Lexi stated, "But if we can find Hephaestus maybe he can un-curse it? Or make it better."
"Yeah winning a million dollars is more likely then meeting a god." I scoffed.
"Ali didn't we just meet Favonius a week ago?" Noah questioned.
"I meant one of the biggies. No offense Favonius."
We discussed for a while before everyone left the Poseidon Cabin. I sat at the front porch staring at the blue pillars.
In the distance I saw the same guy from the creek.
His green eyes faced me as he turned and smiled. He was wearing sea pearl armor and had a trident slung on his shoulder.

". . .Hello?" I asked him, I got up and walked to him but when I got closer he disappeared.
Okay rude. I walked back to the cabin and laid on one of the beds.
I missed my siblings, since they were both at New Rome.

I sat there looking at the wall counting.
"One Hannibal, Two Hannibal, Three..."
I drifted to a deep sleep where I only saw a blurry vision.
It was a boy. He was in a hood so I couldn't see much. He was praying inside a temple. Offering something, a piece of himself.

"Oh mother. I'll find a way to heal you. If I don't I won't be able to rest easily anymore mother."
His mom?
A goddess appeared and took the piece of the boy and held it absorbing it.

"Good boy. I'll see you tomorrow and you better find that apple soon or mummy's going to get sad."

Apple? Oh no. No you don't that apple doesn't belong to you.
The dream transformed into a dark area. There was a pillar holding the apple. I heard a loud sound like a mix of a roar and a moo?

I caught a glimpse of a cow head. It was scary as I shook myself up.

What the?
I stepped outside and it was starting to get dark.
Everyone was going to the food pavilion.
Lexi came to me, "Did you sleep well?"
"Define well." I yawned and stretched my arm out almost smacking her in the face.

We walked over and the dining pavilion reminds me of Camp Jupiter, without the flying ghosts everywhere.

I sat alone but I was facing backs with the Demeter cabin and there was a plate. I was confused on how to get food.

"Hey," A Demeter kid poked my shoulder.
"What?" I asked her.
"Just say a food and it'll appear."
"Uhh- cheese pizza from Dominos?"
A whole pizza appeared on my plate and I picked up the goblet, "Fanta!" I smiled for some reason I don't know guess I'm hungry?

I left a tiny slice because I hate a lot. I noticed people starting burning food and I saw the familiar red eyed 13 year old walk to a fire. I picked up my plate and came behind him
"Hey Kyle what you doin??"
He flinched, "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't punch you right now."

"Becauseee!" I said with a stupidly dumb voice. "Why's everyone burning food? The food here is amazing! Or maybe my taste buds died."

"It's offering to the gods. Just put the food inside the fire and say your godly parent's name."
"Ohhhh can I try?"
"What is there to try about this? Just do it."

He rolled his eyes and sighed and he picked up like an Italian bread and dropped it in the fire.
I heard him mutter, "Mars." Before walking behind me to make sure I don't do anything stupid.
I slid the pizza off the plate, "Neptune." I whispered.
We walked outside to see a campfire.
Noah waved at us and I ran to the spot next to him.

The campers passed around s'mores which tasted heavenly. The fire was yellow and decently big. Everyone seemed happy.

Lexi walked towards us with a girl.
"Guys meet my friend Ash,"
We all said our hellos and greetings as we talked.
Ash seemed like a cool girl but we can't trust anyone.

The camp sang songs about armor and they were nice. Cringe but nice.

I looked at my friends and Lexi was shocked for some reason.

"Guys. I think I know where the necklace is."

Legends Of Rome: To Give An End To DiscordWhere stories live. Discover now