Going Once...Going Twice... Sold! Uh oh-...

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Walking down across St. Louis airport we board a tour bus because they're decently cheap.
We take a trip to the St. Louis Arch which triggered my minor Megalophobia.
Praying it doesn't fall down and crush me.

From the St. Louis Arch Cafe we ate lunch. It was okay...
"Come on, we don't have much time." Kyle spoke as he took a sip of his Dr. Pepper.
Noah groaned as he took another bite of his Double Bacon Cheesiest Burger.

"Kyle the only good thing about this quest is that we don't have a time limit. Let me live this quest in peace." I say, scowling at the Red-eyed demigod.

He rolled his eyes and got up from his seat, "Lexi do you know the location of the necklace?"

"I sense it's in the St. Louis Museum," Lexi tapped her finger to her cheek.
"Really? Wow that's specific." Noah gulped down the last bite of the burger.
"I'm kidding I saw a sign that says 'See this Ancient Necklace From Greece before it gets auctioned tomorrow!'"
Lexi laughed and got up from her seat, slinging her backpack across her back.

"Alright, time to go to the Museum." I say trying to throw trash into the trash can (it worked don't worry-)


"This is a Ancient Artifact that was supposed of the Kingdom is Thebes. You all are lucky for coming to see it on its last day. It is said to bring mis-fortune but nothing has been happening so it will be sold."

I bit my lip as I looked at the artifact. The mortals are blind.
"We need a plan to get to the Auction. But we're kids how will we get in."

"I can get us in." Lexi spoke, although it'll take some lies- I can get us in." She looked at her feet and looked back at us, "So did any of you guys pack fancy clothes?"

"What?" Noah asked, "I don't even own any fancy clothes."
"Why would we even pack them?" Kyle mentioned, "It's a quest not a fancy crap."

"Well Noah- how much money do we have left?" Lexi asked.

"...20 dollars." Noah sighed.

"If we pay for fancy clothes with them it'll be a crime because they usually cost a lot." Lexi muttered.

"Alright then I think I have a new plan."

We arrived at the auction and immediately kidnapped 3 people.

"Alright now wear these suits and carry these trays. We're going in." Kyle punched a ginger in the face. Gingers are evil. (I'm kidding-)

We walked in and waited for Lexi. Turns out there was another kid in there. He had black hair and ice blue eyes.
He looked cute.

We spread out looking for potential people who wanted drinks. Little did they know, these drinks had sleeping juice in them.

We passed them out to people and I eventually came to the blue eyed kid.
"Hey," He smiled, "You're not a waitress are you?"
"I-um- well I am." I smiled.
"Hmm- they must really like child labor huh." He smiled as I slammed the drink and ran away.
Lexi walked through the door in a lavender knee length dress and black heels that weren't heels.

Kyle walked to her, "Wow Lexi you actually like these type of dresses now?"
"I still hate them but Ashlynn charm-spoke me into shoving them in and she would kill me if I threw it away."
"What you're saying is you're too nice to throw it away."
She nodded while sighing.

"Alright we are starting the bidding at 10,000 dollars!"

"11,000 dollars!" A blonde rich man yelled.

11,000 dollars going once going twi-"

"20,000 dollars," The blue eyed boy smirked.

There was constant confusion in the crowd.

"Going once, going twice- sol!"

"50,000!" Lexi yelled.

"50,000 any higher?"

"100,000!" The boy yelled.

"150,000!" Lexi yelled back.

"Should I interfere?" I ask.
"No, the effects of the drinks are sinking in."

Soon everyone was acting like zombies. That's when I broke a kitchen sink and blasted the auction bidding guy with water.

Noah ran upstairs and the cameras stopped flashing red.

Lexi reached for the necklace when the boy gripped her wrist and shards of ice started forming.

She held her hand in pain as he formed bigger more powerful waves of ice at the box containing the necklace.
He fisted the necklace and ran.

Before he left he looked at me, "Name's Richie. See ya later cutie."

I was lost for words but Noah wasn't he ran towards the kid at super speed and stabbed his shoulder with his sword.
His feet got instilled in ice as he cursed no-no words at Richie.

Kyle slid and kicked Noah breaking the ice.
Helicopter sounds came from the sky as he used the ice to slide up towards the helicopter.

"This has been a fun night really!" He yelled, "But my friend has some beef with y'all so catch you guys around!"

Kyle ran and flew towards the helicopter and broke the door.
"Listen, you don't know what this necklace can do. Give it up now."

"Can't do that, besides he'll be real mad if I don't bring the necklace to him."
"Why don't I do it? Cause you won't be alive long enough to even get to him."

"You're stalling me aren't you?" Richie spoke.
"No not really. Because I have control of when it explodes."

The helicopter exploded and Richie fell out, fisting the necklace he made a ball of ice.

"You." He says, his eyes glowing bright blue, "You're going to pay for exploding my helicopter."

Shards of ice fly towards us and Lexi blocks it with a metal wall.

Turn the Tide A voice spoke in my head.
"Y'know I'll do my friend a favor and just kill you."

A wave of ice hit us and threw us back.
I concentrating and the ice slowly melting, waves of water at my will to control.

I blasted the water at geyser speed, he tried turning it to ice but the force was too much.
He got pushed back and his grip of the necklace loosened.
Noah jumped and caught it.

"Ok let's go, he's unconscious." Kyle says as he brushed off ashes of grenade off him.
"Next stop, Temple of Athena." I say.

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