Not Yours Anymore (Part 3) - Rafe Cameron

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Description: Rafe fights to get (Y/N) back, but it's not as easy as he thinks it'll be.


"Seriously what happened?" Sarah asked you once more as the two of you walked down the road under the starry night sky.

"I told you, your brother," you repeated yourself.

Sarah stopped and stood in front of you to block you from walking any further. She crossed her arms to show she wasn't fooling around.

"You know you can tell me. I'm always on your side," she reassured you. Her brown eyes looked genuine and concerned.

You took in a deep breath. "I just don't know what to do, Sarah. He's telling me things like, "you'll never find a love like ours," and "do you really think you can really move on from what we had?" And shit like that and it's getting in my head. I love him so much but he's just not the same person as he was when we were together. I'm at a loss," you revealed.

"I understand that. Rafe has changed a lot the last few months. It's totally understandable if you don't want to get back together. Don't let him get in your head; that's what he wants," Sarah told you.

When you didn't seem satisfied with her answer, Sarah huffed before saying, "Look, you're my best friend and I only want what's best for you. If you really think Rafe can be better, then I'd hear him out. I just don't want to see you get hurt again. You deserve so much more than that." She placed her hands in yours and squeezed them.

"The thing is is that he's not going to get better overnight. He needs the kind of help that I can't give him," you explained.

"You're right, so maybe just give each other some space. Explain to Rafe that you need to see change before you can think about getting back together. Hopefully he'll be understanding, but... it's Rafe," she said.

"I don't think 'understanding' is in his vocabulary," you laughed, causing the dirty-blonde haired girl to laugh along with you.

"Come on, let's go put on some cute pajamas and watch movies at my house," Sarah suggested, tugging you along with her.


"If I don't die the way Noah and Allie did, I'll know I did something wrong in life," you said as the ending credits of The Notebook played on the screen.

"Ugh I know, they're goals," Sarah agreed.

You both looked at each other in shock as the front door slammed downstairs. Sarah's shocked expression faded quickly once she realized who it was.

She rolled her eyes. "It's just Rafe," she told you.

"Does he come home like that often?" You giggled.

"When he's not with you, yes," Sarah answered.

Your smile faded at her reply. Wow, I must have a bigger effect on Rafe than I thought.

Something in your mind clicked just then. "Wait, if he's slamming the door like that, that just mean he didn't bring that girl from the party home," you said with a little too much hope in your voice.

Sarah's eyes widened once she realized what you said. "Want me to find out?" She asked with a mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Kinda?" You replied, clearly unsure if you wanted to know or not.

"Okay, I'll be right back!" She half whispered.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now