Back For The Summer - Part 2

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I didn't get any sleep last night.

I spent the whole night tossing and turning in bed, replaying Rafe and I's argument over and over in my head. I thought about it so much, I made myself sick over it. Literally. There were several times where I found myself running to the toilet, barely making it in time before I was emptied of my stomach contents, which mostly consisted of alcohol.

After a restless night, I drug myself out of bed and forced myself to make an appearance downstairs where my mother and Topper were eating breakfast.

"Someone had a rough night," my mother commented on my drastic appearance.

I groaned as I slid onto the barstool of the kitchen island. My mother slid a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of me. I slightly gagged at the smell of it, still nauseous from last night's events. I pushed the plate away and rested my head on the table, as I could barely keep my head up from exhaustion.

"Are you okay?" Topper whispered next to me. I wasn't sure if he was talking about my evident argument with Rafe or my physical state, but either way, I was definitely not okay.

"No," I muttered, not wanting to have this conversation with Topper.

"Fine, geez, I was just asking," he said as he got up and placed his plate in the dishwasher.

I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep with my head on the counter until I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I pulled my phone out to see who it was that interrupted my much needed nap. I squinted as I looked at my lit-up phone screen and tapped the green button to answer the call.

"Hey, Sarah, what's up?" I asked, my voice still groggy from sleeping.

"You sound rough! Are you hungover?" She asked me, her tone a little too peppy for me to handle right now.

"You could say that," I replied dryly.

"Do you wanna come to the pool at the country club with me today? I could really use a relaxing pool day," she told me.

"Yeah, sure. When?" I asked her.

"Like now," she answered.

"Okay, yeah, I'll get ready now and come pick you up," I told her.

"Okay, I'll see you in a few," she replied. I put my phone down when I heard the beeps signaling the phone call had ended.

I trudged upstairs and put on a blue and white tropical print bikini and a matching tropical plunged cover-up. After looking at my tired complexion in the mirror, I decided I should put on minimal makeup to make myself look somewhat presentable.

After slipping on some flip-flops and grabbing my purse and keys, I yelled downstairs to my mother that I was going to the pool, to which she replied with acknowledgment.

On the short drive to Sarah's house, I felt my palms grow sweaty as I gripped the steering wheel, praying that Rafe wasn't home and that I could avoid an awkward encounter with him. I certainly was not in the mood for another argument.

I pulled into their perfectly paved driveway and quickly texted Sarah that I was outside, my fingers pressing on the screen a mile a minute, eager to leave so I didn't have to see Rafe. Sarah quickly replied that she was coming down and I sighed in relief.

Looking around their driveway, I was pleased to find that Rafe's truck was nowhere in sight, which meant he wasn't home and I was successful in avoiding him.

My car door quickly opened and shut as Sarah climbed into the passenger seat. "Ready?" I asked her as she fastened her seat belt.

"Let's go," she replied, donning an excited smile on her tanned face.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu