They Don't Know About Us - Part Three

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Description: Rafe is fiery and unforgiving after the break up, and (Y/N) finds it becoming harder to keep her and Rafe's past relationship a secret, as tensions between the Pogues and the Kooks only intensify.


"What are you doing here?" John B asked me, stepping closer in disbelief. He looked as shocked to see me as I was to see him. I quickly wiped away my tears so he wouldn't see me crying.

"I could ask you the same thing," I turned the question back on him as my mind searched for a reasonable excuse as to why I'm at the Cameron's house this late at night. I prayed to God he didn't see me talking to Rafe.

"I work here?" He replied. Shit, he had a better excuse than me.

"So what are you doing here? This is the last place I expected to find you." He questioned me further.

"Um, I was actually looking for you. I didn't see you come home so I was worried," I lied, hoping he'd buy my excuse.

"Oh, is that why you were over there talking to Rafe?" He asked me. Oh, God. He did see me. My heart started racing as I felt my brother's glare burning a hole through me. I wasn't about to admit anything to him, though.

"Yeah, I was asking him if he'd seen you around here," I lied further.

He nodded, giving me a suspicious look. My eyes searched his in hopes he wouldn't keep asking questions.

"Okay, well I'll see you back at home then," he said, walking down towards the Cameron's boat.

I sighed in relief. That was close, way too close. I looked behind me to make sure Rafe wasn't still at the dock. Who knows if he'd say something to John B now. When I didn't see him anywhere in sight, I got back on my bike and rode home.


Midsummers wasn't an event that I ever went to, nor did I ever really want to. It was full of stuck-up, ignorant Kooks, and seeing how I'm a Pogue, that wasn't really the type of party I wanted to attend.

But when Rafe asked me if I wanted to help waitress there since they didn't have enough help, I wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to make a little extra cash. And it also gave me more time to see Rafe.

But now that we're broken up, I'm dreading going.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Kie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me. She donned a long silk purple dress and her hair was in a bun with a flower crown perfectly placed in her curly black hair. She looked gorgeous.

"I wish I could say the same," I said as I shot her a sarcastic smile.

One of the most painful things about being here was that no one but Rafe knew the real reason why I didn't want to be here.

I haven't seen him since the breakup, which was only about a week ago, and I honestly don't know how I'll react if I run into him. Which, let's be honest, is pretty inevitable since his family is widely celebrated within the country club.

Suddenly everyone started clapping, and Kie and I both turned to see what was going on.

The Cameron's all stepped onto the deck like they were Kook royalty. My eyes landed on Rafe and I instantly felt that heartache that had been consuming me since I broke up with him.

His eyes met mine, and we exchanged a look of both surprise and sadness. I couldn't look away, and a part of me didn't want to. I wanted to see how long he would hold the eye contact, to see if he even still cared.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now