"Not Yours Anymore" (Part 2) - Rafe Cameron

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Description: After (Y/N) and Rafe break up, the two ex lovers start to move on, but what happens when one can't?


"I can't believe I let you talk me into going to this," you told Sarah as the two of you walked hand-in-hand into the party.

"Just relax and have a good time, (Y/N). You won't regret it," she grinned at you and squeezed your hand for reassurance.

You looked down at your legs as you walked, they looked extra long as the silver heels you wore boosted your height. Your hot pink dress hugged the top of your thighs, leaving little to the imagination. But you didn't care because you felt better than you had in days.

"Plus you look hot, the boys will be drooling over you," she said to you with a wink.

Although you knew her compliment was given with good intentions, it only made you a little more sad. You only wanted one particular boy to drool over you.

Sarah noticed your fleeting moment of sadness but chose not to say anything as the two of you were greeted by the Pogues.

"You guys came! I honestly didn't know if you would!" Sarah exclaimed, wrapping her arms around John B.

You stood behind her a little awkwardly, as you weren't as close with them as she was. Rafe occupied most of your time, and he certainly didn't want them anywhere near you.

The first one to say anything to you was JJ, who you'd noticed couldn't keep his eyes off of you as soon as you walked in.

"How's it going, (Y/N)?" He asked you, stepping forward to give you a hug.

"Good, how bout yourself?" You asked him, hugging him back.

"Oh I'm just fantastic," he slurred, and you could tell he was already a little drunk.

The Pogues lead you and Sarah to a hangout spot at the party, and on your way there you searched the crowd for Rafe. You spotted Topper and Kelce and their crew, but no sign of Rafe. You wondered if he was even coming.

JJ handed you a drink and you thanked him.

"So, (Y/N), is Rafe finally loosening the reigns and letting you hang with us?" John B asked you. He was sitting across from you with his arm around Sarah. Sarah nudged him with her elbow, as if silently telling him not to bring Rafe up.

"Actually, we broke up," you flatly stated. You made eye contact with Sarah, who nodded her head slightly. You and Sarah were so close that the two of you could communicate without saying a word, and this was one of those times.

"I'm sorry to hear that," John B responded. "But from what I gather about Rafe, it was probably for the best."

You didn't say anything to that. You just looked away and took a swig of your drink. You didn't like how people just assumed things about your relationship with Rafe solely based on Rafe's recent behavior. You didn't feel the need to correct anyone because the bond you had with Rafe was sacred, and it was no one else's business.

As if on cue, everyone's head turned toward the entrance of the party. You knew who it was without looking, as everyone used to do that when you and Rafe made an appearance. You almost didn't even want to look.

You couldn't resist, so you turned to see Rafe walking in with that same brunette from earlier attached to his hip. He made eye contact with you, which made you snap your head away from him quickly. Your gaze met Sarah's, who looked extremely apologetic, like she knew what was going on in your mind.

You stood up and turned towards the crew. "Looks like it's time for shots. Who wants one?" You asked. They all raised their hand and Sarah got up to come with you to retrieve them.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now