A Lasting Impression - Rafe Cameron

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Description: You meet Rafe for the first time and he can't get you out of his head.

**This imagine was inspired by the song 'Meddle About' by Chase Atlantic, so I highly recommend listening to it while you read this.**


*Rafe's POV*

"Hey bro, meet me at the country club in half an hour. I wanna shoot some pool," Topper pretty much demanded over the phone.

"Aight, man. See you there," I replied and hung up the phone.

Topper has been all up my ass ever since Sarah dumped him. I mean, I love the guy, he's my best friend, but I can only take so much of Topper.

And the fact that I can't get a moment of peace and quiet makes my brotherly dislike for Sarah grow even more. She's the reason Topper can't stand to be alone right now. I just knew them getting together would backfire onto me.

I did warn the guy. Sarah has always had a reputation for cheating. People were shocked she became the cheater of the family and I was not, but I've also never wanted to commit to anyone.

It's not like I've never thought about it, because I definitely have. Its also not like I haven't had opportunities. Girls are all over me. I've never gone to a party and not hooked up with someone. It's just that all the girls on Figure Eight are the same. Most of them are in it for money, some are in it for the name, and others are like my sister, Sarah- they can't take a relationship seriously. Or they just want one thing.

I've had my fair share of flings and friends-with-benefits situations. But none of those girls I deemed worthy enough to give my all to. None of them stood out to me.

I just haven't found the right one yet. And until that day comes, I'm just fine on my own. With the occasional hookup of course.

My father was on the phone outside when I stepped out the door. He paused when he noticed me, probably thinking about what he can demand I do for him next, so I said, "I'll be back soon, Dad," to which he nodded and continued on with his conversation. I climbed into my truck and made my way toward the country club.

As soon as I walked through the entrance, I could feel all eyes on me. It happens pretty much anytime I go anywhere, all because of my last name. Sometimes I enjoy it, as it boosts my ego, but other times I just wish people would mind their damn business. The only people I don't mind staring at me are hot girls.

"Rafe!" Kelce called from where he and Topper were playing pool.

"Sup," I casually replied.

He dabbed me up, and Topper followed.

"Hey man," Topper greeted. "Wanna join?" He handed me a pool stick.

I obliged to his offer and the two Kooks restarted the game they were playing so I could join in.

"So I'm throwing a party tonight, you coming?" Topper asked.

Topper's family was about as rich as mine, and both of us were known for our raging parties. But even I had to admit, no one throws a party like Topper.

"Yeah, man. Count me in," I answered as I lined up the pool stick with the ball I was aiming for. I pulled the stick back and the ball went right into the pocket.

"Oh, bet. It's going to be a good one," Topper said. "Make sure you invite Sarah."

I scoffed at the blonde Kook. "Invite her yourself," I told him.

"She's not talking to me, and you know that. Please? Do this for me?" Topper pleaded.

Seeing him so lovesick over my sister is so damn annoying. I warned him about her a long time ago, and now all I hear from Topper is how bad she broke his heart. I don't feel bad for him- he did this to himself.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now