Chapter 13-Strike 3

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The level of awkwardness and embarrassment I had experienced in my whole life was nothing compared to what I felt at this moment. I was sitting on the dining table with Adrian to my left, in front of me uncle Tio with Zack next to him. Giovanni was sitting next to me on the head table tapping his fingers in a such slow motions that it was grating my nerves. The whole situation seemed as if Adrian and I were being interrogating for killing the president. Nobody had spoken a word since the moment we were told to sit. The silence was making me insane. Not just me though, Adrian couldn't stop shaking his leg next to me.

Another minute had passed and nobody had uttered a single word. Even Elena seemed nervous when she nibbled on her lip. Even Vincenzo and the fourth brother, who were standing behind uncle kept looking at us without blinking. I was surprised they weren't crying buckets if tears with amount of unblinking(if that's even a word) they were doing.

"Ugh I can't take it Tio! Stop with the stupid silent treatment. It's not even working, I don't even know why you try that. Honestly you have no right to be mad at me. I was literally sitting here waiting for my sandwich. I didn't even try leaving the mansion, hmm. I don't even understand why I'm on bed rest. I feel completely fine," I rambled as much as I could, taking a large gulp of breath at the end.

All Uncle did was raise his left eyebrow which was his power move. Which also meant I was screwed.

"I'm not mad." He simply stated.

"Look I understand why you're mad but just let me, wait what?" I babbled, not sure if I heard uncle correctly.

"Like I said. I'm not mad," he replied.

"Well why not?" I asked dumbly. He simply shrugged at my suspicion.

"What tricks are you playing here old man?" I asked, not buying his act. He may fool everyone else but I knew better. Zee tried to cough to hide his laugh and I could see Giovanni and the son, whose name i still didn't know, tried their best to hide their smile. Ace didn't even try to stop him self as he buckled down and started bawling with laughter. It took him five seconds before he was back up, pretending as if he wasn't even laughing in the first place. Elena was just watching the whole spectacle in amusement.

"I only have one thing to say." Uncle gave me one of those evil villain smiles as he said that.

"NO!" I exclaimed as I finally understood the meaning behind his smile.

"What?" asked the unknown brother. Zack also understood the meaning behind the smile and gave me remorseful look. I didn't need his pity. I brought this on myself.

"What's going on?" asked Adrian, confused, not understanding the emotional turmoil I was going through.

Uncle opened his mouth, seconds away to utter two words that sealed my shitty luck. Before he could even get one word in I jumped out of the seat, ready to beg.

"Tio come on. Let's talk about it, come on. Please I'm sorry okay," I pleaded with my life.

"Strike," he paused for the dramatic effect because the old dude was clearly enjoying this, "3." I froze. Pretending that if I don't acknowledge what he said it won't become true.

"Strike 3? What does that mean?" asked Tio's dearest friend and boss.

"It means Amelia has gotten all three strikes. And she gets to enjoy the punishment that awaits her. Why don't you tell everyone what that punishment is, dear Amelia," uncle replied smirking.

"I have to," I literally gagged thinking about it, "clean the bathrooms of one of the bars Tio owns, where I work." I was about to cry as I said it out loud. I cursed out the universe so loud at giving me shitty luck. Maybe I needed to get an exorcism.

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