Chapter 10- Just like James bond

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Sticking to the walls, the four of us slowly moved, trying to find the exit as quickly as possible. We were met with a long hallway with multiple doors. I was so exhausted I felt as if I would collapse right that second. I was already limping because of the wound on my leg which I still didn't figure out what it was. I got so dizzy as we were walking that I stumbled into Adrian and almost face planted myself into the floor before he caught me.

"Shit are you okay," asked Adrian, concern evident on his face as he sat me down on the floor.

"Fuck what's wrong," asked Zack, holding my face in his hand. I blinked again and again, trying to clear the fogginess in eyes. I felt really sleepy but I had to stay awake. Now wasn't the time to sleep.

"Step aside let me check," Vincenzo said, pushing Zack aside and crouched Infront of me. he scanned me head to toe when he finally realized the problem.

"Shit," he muttered. "How the hell did you not notice that you were fucking stabbed in the leg," he growled angrily at me. the way you would at a younger sibling.

"Listen here Vinny," he narrowed his eyes at me, hearing his nickname, "I feel like I was run over by a truck. You snapping at me isn't going to get us fucking out of here. So I suggest you do some voodoo magic so I can stop seeing stars around your head and we go be on our merry way," I spoke, gathering my wits. It was not the time to argue. We had to get out of here as soon as fast as possible before someone decided to check on us.

"She's right. We need to hurry up. We may not have enough time before someone else shows up, plus she has already lost too much blood," Zack said, his eyes looking at me with concern.

"Okay, but we need to do something about her leg." Vincenzo started looking around, God knows thinking about what. His eyes landed on my shirt before he suddenly grabbed my shirt from my shoulder.

"what," before I could complete my sentence he tugged the sleeve as hard as he could and tore it.

"Hey that was my favorite shirt," I snapped angrily.

"What else was I supposed to do. Would you rather bleed to death," he replied as he wrapped it around my thigh.

"I don't know, maybe not tear my favorite shirt," I mumbled. When he tied the knot as tightly as he could, I winced and held the closet thing next to me which was Adrian's hand. I looked weird with one sleeve missing so he offered me his jacket.

"Okay let's move."

I stood up with Adrian's help and let go of his hand when I realized that I was still holding it. He gave me a huge grin, not at all embarrassed like me. He took my arm and flung it over his shoulder, making me lean on him so I didn't have to put my weight on my leg. I smiled at him thankfully and we started moving.

"So what's the plan. We can't just walk out of here like its our own fucking house," said Adrian.

"Watch your language," Vincenzo scolded his little brother which made me and Zack chuckle.

"Oh so it's not a problem when others and you yourself do it, but when I do it you suddenly become a saint," Adrian murmured next to me. But Vincenzo must have heard him because he smacked his head.

"On a serious note he's right. we can't just waltz out of here like we own the place."

"Wouldn't it be so cool if we exit out of here wearing sunglasses and the whole place is like exploding in the back, you know just like we're in James Bond movie," I said, imagining how badass it would look. I think it was the concussion and loss of blood talking, because thoughts like these usually stay in my head.

"Oh my God, I love James Bond. We need to have a movie marathon together," said Adrian excitedly next to me.

"Yesss, have you watched the latest part. It was mind blowing!"

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