Chapter 9- Shit hit the fan

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The restaurant was in complete chaos. All the furniture was in shambles and we were still fighting off the goons. They seemed endless and kept showing up. There was no sign of uncle tio as well. We weren't badly injured but our ammo was almost finished. We had a few bruises and cuts here and there. Zack took a bad blow to his knee protecting me so he was limping.

As I smashed the last guy in the wall, the guy called Vincenzo came and warned us that we were about to face another wave of the enemies. I noticed he had a dislocated shoulder and a small gash on his forehead.

"Wait," I called out to him.

""What is it," he replied.

"I am so sorry," I apologized as I made my way to him.

"Why are you apologizing?", ignoring him, I took a hold of his shoulder and jerked it upwards. The second I did that he string out a few curses while holding my wrist tightly. He seemed in pain as he still hadn't let go of my wrist.

"What the fuck was that?" I think it was one of his brothers who said that.

"His shoulder was dislocated so I put it back into it's place. He wouldn't have been able to fight otherwise. He also seemed in a lot of pain, so your welcome,"I replied totally not fazed from the glare everyone was throwing at me, including Vincenzo. Like I fixed his arm. He should have at least thanked me.

"Listen here smartass," before Vincenzo could say anything an object flew across the room and smoke started coming out of it.

"Cover your mouths," Zack shouted.

Right that second, another grenade flew in and before we could take cover it went of.

It was a flash grenade, as I lost all of my senses and had a loud ringing in my ear. And well if it was the other kind of grenade, I would have died.

I fell on the ground and started to feel myself losing consciousness. Zack came towards yelling gibberish. Something don't sleep or get up, but I felt my eye lids closing. Before I darkness consumed me I saw Zack falling next to me. The next I felt was someone dragging us and put us in a car. Hopefully it was an ambulance.


I slowly felt my eyes open but they closed again from the brightness. I groaned as I tried to stretch but I felt my body restrained. I attempted opening my again. Slowly fluttering my eyes open, I took in my surroundings. I quickly realized I'm screwed as I saw my arms and legs were tied to a chair.

I tried moving but immense pain shot through my leg. There was blood seeping through my pants but I couldn't understand where my injury was. My whole body felt on fire.

I looked to my right and saw that I wasn't the only one that was here.
Zack and two of the other guys were tied as well. This meant the other two brothers probably weren't caught.All of them were unconscious except Vincenzo who was right next to me.

"Where the hell are we," I asked him, my voice cracking from dehydration.

"Don't know. Nobody has visited since I woke up," he replied, not even bothered by the fact that we were kidnapped.

"How long have we been here."

"I also don't know that. But it's been a few hours since I gained consciousness."

"Ughhh," I shouted frustratedly. I attempted to free myself out of the chair but it was of no use. As I was struggling I heard someone groaning.
I could see Zack waking up and getting startled. His cheek was badly bruised. Except his knee everything else seemed pretty fine.

"Lia are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked concerned with worry.

Before I could answer the metal door opened and three large goons entered the cell.

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