Chapter 1-Escaped

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I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I finally regretted not continuing working out. My stamina sucked. But then again I didn't really have much of a choice, considering I was basically living as a prisoner in my own home. I was 23 yet I was still stuck there. My step dad was some rich business tycoon and thought I would be a great asset for expanding his business by marrying me to other old geezers like himself and merging with their business. Slimy bastard. Thus, I was kept on a tight lease.

To me that so called place 'home' now turned into hell. Not some place filled with happy memories. Not somewhere I'd feel safe. but instead a place where now I'd rather die than go back.

I had no time to stop. Even though my lungs were screaming at me and my legs were about to literally snap, I couldn't waste one second just to breathe. I had been planning this my whole life. To escape. To leave. Without sparing a single glance. Will I miss my family? Hell no. Would they care? Probably wouldn't give a fuck. But they'll probably kill me. They see me as a threat. Someone who could stand up to them. someone who defied them. Someone who they don't have control on. Unlike my robotic step sisters that agree to whatever those assholes called parents said. To them they were saints. They were probably to be dumb from all the Botox getting to their head.

I slowly reach the end of the thick green forest. The road finally seemed visible to me. I stood near the pavement. Watching cars rush away, becoming beads of lights as the second went. I took every ounce of energy left in me and moved my legs. I couldn't run anymore. Yet I couldn't stop either. Slowly and painfully, I dragged myself across the road. At that second, my ears started to ring and I felt dizzy. Yet I still couldn't stop. Not when I have gotten this far. I needed to leave. Darkness slowly consumed me and the last thing I remember was me falling in the middle of the road. My numb soul drifting away into nothingness.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Sunlight poking me straight in the face, my eyes closed again. I attempted to open them once again. Finally adjusting to the brightness. After studying my surroundings, reality came crashing down on me. I quickly stood up, not recognizing where I was. A shabby room. With broken walls and rusted furniture. "This is definitely not my house" I muttered to myself. My hand automatically went to my back. My knife. It wasn't there. The only weapon I had to protect myself.

"Fanculo"(fuck). I checked myself for any injuries. However my ribs were bandaged. I forgot how I broke them when my dear mother pushed me down the stairs. Who the hell kidnapped me but cared enough to bandage my injuries. My wrist was bandaged as well.

Coming out of my daze, I tried to find a weapon. Glancing around I saw a scissor on the night stand. For me that was enough. I knew how to fight. I was taught by my best friend, Zack, after the day those so called parents started beating me up. He used to be the top bodyguard's son. Him and his dad whom I used to call tio, treated me more like their own than my own family. He used to sneak me out of the mansion and take me to his family's gym. We would fight for hours. I was a fast learner and mastered every way of fighting. Yet I still couldn't fight my parents. There was a fear that made me stop. I did try running away once but they caught me and as a punishment I got locked in the basement for 3 days with no food and water. The second time, I went to the authorities and ended up back in the basement, because apparently my step-father had connections in the police as well. The punishments just became brutal after that so I had stopped trying.They found about my friendship with Zack and used to threaten to do unspeakable things to him and his dad. Eventually they decided to fire his dad and their contact with me was broken.

I could hear hush voices outside. I couldn't escape from the window. It was jammed and If I'd try to break it I'd easily give myself away. I opened the door and tiptoed outside. I leaned on the wall, near the stairs and saw two figures whispering amongst themselves. One was an old lady and another was a man. Probably her son. I felt someone behind me so I pushed myself away and turn to the person. He was an old man. Looking at the scissors in my hand, his eyes widened but became normal after a second.
"We're not going to hurt you. We just want to help", said the old man.

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