Chapter 11- Lockdown Initiated

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I was slipping in and out of consciousness. One second I was in the car. The next second I was being carried out and in to a big mansion. Then I remember seeing uncle Tio. He was telling me to fight and that he was going to be right there with me. The last thing I saw when I drifted back into darkness was a beautiful lady, with the deepest blue eyes that would remind you of the ocean, coming behind Tio and reassuring him I was going to be fine. And that's when I remember closing my eyes and finally give in to exhaustion, not because of me being kidnapped, but of the 13 years of my life I spent surviving in my personal hell.


I tried opening me eyes as I felt myself gain consciousness after an eternity. I groaned so loudly as I adjusted my eyes to the bright room. Why was there so much sunlight. Did I become I vampire? It sure felt like it. 'Wouldn't that be so cool though, except the blood sucking part,' I thought to myself. After blinking a thousand times, I finally opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Where the hell was I? I did remember getting shot. Damn did that hurt like a bitch. I wasn't in a hospital, I noticed. Was I discharged already? That couldn't be right. There were machines next to me beeping, causing an annoying buzzing in my head. I noticed an IV inserted in my hand and another tube in my arm. I sat up. Or at least tried to when a splitting headache that felt like a thousand hammers pounding into my head almost made me pass out. I again tried to sit up.

After successfully doing that, I once again gazed around the room trying to understand where I was. It wasn't uncle Tio's house because obviously I would have recognized if I was in his house. I saw outside the window near me and could see more than hundred acres of land filled with trees. I was about to call for someone when my eye caught someone laying on the couch Infront of me and I immediately recognized it was Zack when I saw his dirty blonde hair. He looked really uncomfortable in the position he was sleeping so I decided to put him out of his misery and wake him up.

"Zack," I called him sweetly. He didn't move a single muscle. "Zack!" I said in a more firm voice. I even threw the two tissue box on the table next to me. When that didn't work, I threw the small plushie on the bed next to me. It hit his head but It was so soft that he probably didn't even feel it. Motherfucker slept like the dead. I decided to go shake him to wake him up. I removed the blanket and noticed my thigh covered in a huge bandage. I winced when I stood up. Blinding pain shot across my abdomen, and my lower back and I almost buckled in the pain. It was excruciating to even take one step, yet I held it in and made my way towards Zack.

I nudged him as I called his name. Yet the asshole couldn't care less. He had the audacity to snore. I finally lost it and stood behind the couch, placing my face near his ear.

"ZACK!" I shouted as if my life depended on it. " AHH WHAT," he shouted as he woke up and fell off the couch. I started laughing, but I winced and bent in pain and got light headed. Zack finally realized I was awake and came to hug me but stopped when he saw I was in pain.

"Shit are you okay Lia. You're supposed to be on bed rest. How the hell are you even walking right now," Zack scolded.

"I got out to wake you up."

"You could have just shouted my name from the bed," he countered back.

I gave him the deadest look I could give him that said are you kidding me.

"You already did that didn't you," he said, embarrassed, as he helped me climb the bed.

"Ya think, I even threw a tissue box but since you go into a literal coma you didn't even stir so I had to use drastic measures to wake up your ass."

I finally settled in the bed and started feeling much better already.

"How are you feeling. Of course you don't feel fine. Why am I even asking. You just got shot fucking. As if anybody could be okay after..."

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