Chapter 7-Visit to the Underground

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Amelia's POV:

It had been quite a while since my encounter with Xavier at the club. Zack and I didn't mention anything to uncle since that would be plain suicide.

It was starting to get boring, staying at the house and doing nothing. So I got myself a job at one of the clubs near my apartment. Ironically, the owner of it was uncle so he gave me the Manager's position. I was reluctant at first since I wanted a job with my own credentials but he said that the club was in need of a manager already and I was hired based on my resume, not connections.

Since it was a night club, I was going to be there at night most of the time.
Uncle also said that I don't need to work on the weekends so that worked out great.

I also bought a lot of alcohol along with stuff that is required to make drinks. I was learning how to make drinks like bartenders do at the club.

I saw the YouTube video along with instructions and copied it as best as I could. So far I was doing great. I even learned a few bar tricks which took me week to master.

I called Zack today because I wanted to show him my skills.

"So, why am I wasting my precious time watching you do whatever you're about to do," Zack asked glancing at his watch, as if he had better things to do.

"Bitch I know you got nothing else to do. I just wanted to show you my bartending skills. All you need to do is taste and rate my drinks," I said while shaking the cocktail shaker.

"Why the hell are you even doing this. Aren't you just the manager," he said annoyingly.

"Yes, but as a manager I also should know how to make drinks in case the bartender isn't there. Plus I was bored and needed a new hobby."

I started doing flairing, which I learned just from watching a video. I threw the shaker in the air from my back and caught it with my other hand at the front. I juggled it and threw it in the air multiple times. After doing tricks here and there, the drink was ready.
I looked as I presented the drink to Zack, and saw his jaw wide open. I was quite satisfied with his reaction and waited for him to taste the drink.

"Dang woman, this is so freaking good. How the fuck did you do that."

I just shrugged and started clearing the counter because i made a huge mess.

As I was clearing the stuff Zack said,
" if you're bored i can introduce you to the underground ring. They're having a fight in a couple of days. People have been wondering where the hell is Ripper."

"Ooo I would love to. Plus it's been so long. I've been dying to punch someone in the face," I said imagining myself in the ring pounding on people.

"Easy there weirdo. I'll get you registered for the fight. But we need to practice. The competition here is brutal. Plus you're rusty. You couldn't even defeat that pedophile at the club," he said while rubbing his chin indicating he was thinking.

"Hey in my defense he had a knife and caught me off guard."

"Exactly, you should have seen it coming. Anyways we'll start training tomorrow. I'll send you the details of the fight later as well. Also, not a word to dad. No doubt he'll skin me alive."

"You and me both brother. You and me both," I said shuddering cause we both know if uncle tio finds about us involved in underground fights, we're as good as dead. He forbid Zack and I to go there as it wasn't safe. I mean I don't even know why he's so protective. The dude's in the freaking mafia. Like come on. But the guy is scary as hell. If he found out i was definitely throwing Zack under the bus.

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