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I've realized I haven't updated this since 2015 my sweeties~ Life takes a hold sometimes~


The Doctor smiled a huge smile, "I love it when they do that." and turned to a big circular control thing and started walking around it, all the while flipping switches and the such on it.

I turned my attention away from him and looked around the room, which was a little dark, but impressive none the least. I walked up the ramp, looking around in awe at the impossible feet. I looked at the Doctor again, who was now running around the big circular control thing in the middle of the room and flipping random switches, and put on a confused smile.

"Just how is this possible? It's flippin' HUGE!" I exclaimed the last part very loud causing the Doctor to stop and turn around towards me with the biggest all knowing grin he's shown yet.

"Well, it's really difficult to say.... it's just.... timey wimey... stuff." He said with a thinking face while trying to dumb it down for me. He suddenly smiled again and walked to the consul. He put his hand on a lever and turned to me with a smirk, "No time for explaining this now, we got to go get your watch."

He flipped down the lever and the TARDIS jolted causing me to grab on to the railing beside me. It started to make a whirring sound that made me smile for some reason. Then it stopped and I stood up from the hanging position I had on the rails. I looked over at the Doctor who whizzed past me to the door. He put his hand on the door, ready to push it open and turned to me.

"Well, aren't you coming? We don't have all day." He said with an adventurous look in his eye. I smirked and walked towards him and put my hand on the door next to his.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said my smile growing. The Doctor grinned and turned towards the door with me. We both push the door open and looked outside. It looked like a space ship with sciency stuff everywhere. How did we get here? He didn't say anything about it traveling. Or did he? Why did I assume it would travel? Unbeknownst to me, the Doctor saw my confused face as I looked around.

"The TARDIS can travel in space and time and since this is a space ship, I didn't think walking would've done us any good." He tried to explain as I tried to gather the information I just received. Wow, just wow. Why wouldn't he mention this before? I guess it just slipped his mind.

I nodded while looking around the space ship, wondering who would have one like this. I guess someone rich, but one who doesn't care for their things because the walls look like they haven't been cleaned in years. The Doctor walked out and down the hall buzzing some device he pulled out of his suit. I started to follow after closing the TARDIS doors all the way. I walked towards the Doctor who was looking at the device like he was reading something off it.

"What is that?" I asked because I literally had no clue.

The Doctor turned to me again, "This is a sonic screwdriver."

"What does it do?" I asked even more confused then before because how is that a screwdriver?

"It does what a screwdriver does and some couple more things here or there." He said while buzzing a door and flipped the screwdriver up to his face to look at it again. He narrowed his eyes and pointed the screwdriver at the door again.

"The watch is in here. You got to be ready to run when I say so. I will go in while you stay here. Do not follow me." He said in a rather serious tone.

I nodded and whispered "Yes.." and he buzzed the screwdriver again making the door unlock itself. He pushed open the door and looked inside. He walked in, pointing the screwdriver everywhere. I looked around the room, which seemed deserted and walked in, closing the door slightly behind me. He put his screwdriver away, turning towards me.

"Miles, you can come in..." He looked at me with disbelief on his face. I kinda wanted to laugh.

"This room could have had the bounty hunter in it. You could have gotten hurt." He said it kinda making me feel bad.

"Well, he wasn't in here soo..." I kinda fiddled with my hands, feeling like I was in trouble again.

"Just listen to me next time, okay?" He said to me while looking around the room again. I nodded even if he didn't see me and looked around the room more.

It seems to be a place where you keep valuables, but there are none here. I looked around and around. Nothing. Nada. The walls are blank and bare. Just a circular room with a door. I looked at the door. The only thing in the room other then the Doctor and me. Speaking of the Doctor, I turned back to him and watched him look at the walls around the room, confused at how the watch could be in such an empty room. I turned back toward the door and stared at it. Something was off about it. I walked closer and closer until I was a foot in front of it. I slowly put my hand on the wall next to the door and pushed. The wall moved slightly in, as if it was a button and the ground started grumbling. I grabbed onto the wall and looked back at the Doctor, who was staring at the middle of the floor. Suddenly a door flew open in the floor and a pillar just popped out. The rumbling stopped. I glanced at the Doctor and slowly walked over to the pillar and looked at it. Nothing, great. The Doctor walked up next to me and sonic'd the pillar. He read the readings and smiled.

"Oooh, how could I have missed this?! This is great, truly great."

He smirked as he sonic'd the pillar again, this time opening the top. I peeked inside as the Doctor stood back grinning away.

"Hey! What's the big idea waking me up! It's better be impor-...."

A squeaky voice emitted from inside the pillar as a little... thing, that looked like a daisy with arms and a person face, popped out and spun towards us. He cut short after realizing who it was. He stared up at us and shyly grinned, slowly sinking lower and lower into his pillar. The Doctor grabbed him and pulled him out, sitting him on the ground.

"Now, tell us why a Ledraron, such as yourself, is hunting down species of the galaxy with a Keeber." The Doctor was amused by this, kinda making me want to laugh at this face he was making with the raised eyebrow and such. The Ledraron looked at the Doctor sadly and sighed.

"Because I wanted to prove myself."

"Did you kill anyone yet?"

"N- no. I didn't and wouldn't. I just thought if I kill the most feared being in the universe, then I wouldn't have to kill anyone else...."

"Most feared being? And who is that?"

"The Doctor, of course... Her."

He pointed at me as if I was the Doctor. I kinda just stood there, looking at the little thing. I looked up at the Doctor, who looked even more confused then ever.

"What do you mean?" The Doctor looked at me as if a wall was placed in front of me. The Ledraron looked between both at us and pulled out my watch. He started to swing it around and stared at me.

"I mean she's the Doctor and I got proof." 

Just Bored Waiting (Doctor Who)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant