Part 1 - Fan Expo Day 1

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"It's the day of the fan expo and
I really cant find anything to wear?" You say out loud annoyed as you looking at your reflection in the slim mirror hanging from the closet door.

"Oh my God just pick anything at this point... you've tried on 100 different outfits. We're going to be late for our photos with Joseph if you don't hurry up Y/N" Cali said also seeming annoyed with you.

"Fine what about this one?"

"THATS THE FIRST THING YOU TRIED ON Y/N I'm not sitting through another fashion show, you look fine! Can we please just go? We have to find parking and shit and I wanna be there early enough to be the first people when the Expo opens."

She meant well, Calliopie Chloe Brianna Tucker has been your best friend for as long as you could both walk and today was the day you both have been gushing over for weeks. You're finally meeting Joseph Quinn. Joseph... freaking.... Quinn.
You still couldn't believe that today in just under 2 hours you were going to be face to face with the man who made you and the entire world fall in love. The butterflies you get just thinking about it makes you all giddy and excited.


After what felt like hours of driving and trying to find parking you and Cali finally arrived at the Convention Centre. Surprisingly the line wasn't too long when you walk up to the door. You smile a little thinking about how close you are to seeing him. You've been dreaming about this moment for weeks, playing the entire day over and over again in your head. You continue to practice what you're going to say to Joseph until the line starts moving and people are being let in. You squeal with excitement on the inside, smile and shake your fists in excitement. In just 30 minutes you'll be hugging the man you haven't been able to get off your mind since stranger things came out.

"OK so where do we go now?" Cali asked
"The ticket says booth J." As you turn your head to the left to look around for booth letters and signs guiding you, you see it there in big bold letters "BOOTH J - JOSEPH QUINN"
"Right there" you tap her shoulder in excitement.

"Let's go line up before everyone starts getting here, I can't believe we're actually about to meet him" you say in disbelief. It's hard to imagine actually being here. It all feels like a dream you pray you're not going to wake up from.

About 10 minutes later the line filled with the first group of people getting their photo ops. The security team started letting the first person in to take their picture. You and Cali got here extra early so you could be amoung the first in line. Thankfully there were only about 5 people ahead of you. But that also meant that you were terrified because your turn was so soon. You zoned out for what felt like an eternity pacing inside your head, working up the courage and confidence to even say hi.

"Next" shouted an unfamiliar voice

As you snap out of your head you realize it's your turn. 'Holy shit' you think to yourself. "Cali you go first." You quickly shove her in front of you. You didn't think this would be happening so quickly. You've played this moment in your mind millions of times now but you feel like your heart is about to pound out of your chest.

"What? Why can't you go?" She tried asking but before you could respond security was pulling her in for her turn. You try peaking through the black curtianed walls set up to catch a glimpse of what was happening but security was tight and they basically had Joseph's booth separated off from the rest of the convention so no one could look in and take their own pictures or videos. You hear security yelling at people to put their phones away, you look to the right and see the people at the booth next to Joseph's, they're sneaking pictures and videos. You smile and thank them in your head for getting more content.


Your smile drops and you turn your head, you meet eyes with the security personnel in front of you.

You realize Its your turn

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