Chapter 41

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Just a few minutes after Marcel and his mother arrived at the castle, so did Cain and his companions.

"So... It seems that Marcel and Emmita were telling the truth." Said Cain.

"Well to be fair sir, you were the only one who refused to believe them." Theodore pointed out to his boss.

"Do you really want to argue right now?"

"No sir."

Cain exits the car.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Sir, I'd rather just stay here, where I'm safe."

"Suit yourself."

Cain and his men slowly approach the door.

One of them opens the doors.

They slowly enter inside.

"Sir, everything seems quiet. Too quiet."

As they explore the room, one of Cain's henchmen knocked out a flower vase at the corner.

"My vase! ATTACK!" Charlotte screams as she signals everybody to fight the intruders.

"Take care of them! I'll go upstairs and look for this 'prince' that Marcel is talking about."

And with that, Cain proceeds to the top, while his men fight the ghostly servants who have telekinetic abilities.

Cain reaches the top floor, the same floor where Marcel and Lester's bedrooms are located.

As he was about to enter the prince's room, Marcel shows up to him.

"Cain!" Marcel shouts while he holds a long wooden stick, preparing to attack him.

"Marcel. Nice stick. Nice outfit too. What happened to your gown?"

"I'm not joking Cain. One more step in that room, and I won't hesitate to hit you with this."

"Really now?"

With his reflexes, Cain immediately snatches the stick out of Marcel's hands, and breaks it into two.

"You will not hurt him." Marcel exclaimed.

"Who says I want to?" Cain asked sarcastically.

"Marcel, you're the only one that matters here. And now that I have you all for myself, how about we just forget about fighting, and just make love to each other?" Says Cain as he walks closer to Marcel.

"Cain, what are you-"

"you're mine, Marcel. Only mine."

"Cain stop-"

As he tries to rape Marcel, Lester suddenly shows up and punches Cain, knocking him away.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, thank you."

Cain then tries to regain his strength.

"So, you are real. You're the cursed prince."

Tension grows inside the room.

"But Marcel will never choose you."

With that, he quickly ambushes and tries to pin down Lester.

"Cain no!" Marcel cries.

Rain begins pouring down heavily.

A physical altercation between the captain and the prince ensues.

"Lester, be careful!"

Cain drags the fight outside, right towards the balcony.

After knocking each other out, Cain then grabs his gun.

"If I can't have you, NOBODY CAN!"

Cain aims the gun at Marcel.

"MARCEL!" Lester shouts.

As Cain fires his gun towards Marcel, Lester takes the bullet.


Cain then stands up, laughing in an evil and sarcastic way.

"I won!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes Cain's body.

"AAAAHHHH!" Cain screams in pain.

A massive earthquake then enters the room, causing the balcony to break into half, and thus dropping Cain's body, along with some heavy debris off the top floor.

With Cain dead, and his men defeated, it was looking like a victory.

However, it was two minutes before midnight.

The ghostly servants were becoming more intangible, and are beginning to lose their memories.

Apart from being badly injured, Lester's body was rapidly decaying.

The curse was about to become permanent.

"Lester please, you have to fight. I still want to be with you."

"I'm just happy that I got to spend one more moment with you."

And with that, the prince dies in his arms.

"Lester! Lester! Please don't leave me all alone!"

Marcel's tears begin falling out of his eyes.

"I love you." Marcel shouted the three words, right before the final second strikes to midnight.

Christmas day has never been sadder for Marcel.

Suddenly, a burst of golden light appears in front of them.

The light then surrounds itself around the prince.

And just right before his eyes, the prince was magically brought back to life, with his body fully restored to it's actual glory.

Gone were the days where he looked like a rotting zombie.

He actually looked more handsome than ever.



"Is that really you?" Marcel asked him.

Lester begins smiling.

Marcel will look at him more carefully.

"It's me." Lester assures him.

"I thought so." Marcel responds.

With that, they share a kiss.

The castle is then magically transformed to look more beautiful than ever.

The ghostly servants are no longer intangible, and are back to their corporeal selves.

They also retained their memories.

With Lester saving Marcel's life, and Marcel admitting his love for Lester, everything was restored back to normal.

Christmas day has never been better.

Marcel and the Cursed PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now