Chapter 25

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Marcel, Lester and Berwin are back inside the castle.

Marcel is about to treat Lester's injury.

"This is gonna hurt."

As he applies the treatment, Lester shouts in pain and irritation.

"Aaaaahhh! It stings!" Lester shouts. 

"I did warn you that it was going to hurt!" Marcel assertively answers. 

"If you didn't get out of the castle, all of this would've been avoided!" Lester exclaimed 

 "Well if you weren't such a pessimistic egomaniac, then I wouldn't have decided to go out on my own!" Marcel exclaims back. 

 Lester contemplates for a moment on how to argue with him. 

"Well then how about you stop being too festive for once?!" He shouts. 

"Or how about you stop raining on people's parade for once?!" Marcel answers him back.

Awkward silence rises up in the air.

The ghostly servants of the cursed prince just observe the two arguing with each other.

"Now stop whining. The sooner you tolerate the pain, the faster we will be done."

And with that, Lester, tries his best to tolerate the pain of the treatment, even though it's undeniable that it is painful.

Marcel finishes the treatment.

"You can relax now." he calmly says to the prince.

And with that, Marcel and the ghost servants leave the prince's bedroom.

Marcel and the Cursed PrinceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant