Chapter 8

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Cain is still in his office, pre-occupied with a lot of concerns involving the community of Rose Enchantée.

Theodore enters the room.

"You're still here. You're not yet going home?"

"Theodore, you know as captain of this barangay, I have a lot of duties to attend to."

"Of course."

Cain will continue going through the papers that he's been holding.


"Yes sir?"

"You believe that Marcel will still marry me, right?"

"Sir, if I have to be honest with you, just basing it off of his reaction earlier, I wouldn't think so otherwise."

"But his mother made a bargain with ME!"

Cain slams his desk with his palm and crumples the papers he was holding.


Theodore proceeds to calm him down.

"Calm down. Look, let's try to talk to Emmita when she gets back. Maybe she'll do her best to convince him."

"Get back? Where is she?"

"She left earlier with Marcel."


"Sir? What did I say?"

Cain pauses for a moment.

"Calm down." He answers Theodore as he takes deep breaths.

"Right. Don't worry, it's not what you think." Theodore assures.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard from your men that Marcel had to go somewhere important. Emmita was just going to drop him off. He'll only be gone for a few weeks. Emmita on the other hand, will return here in Rose Enchantée."

"Well that better be true. I don't want that old lady escaping our deal. And I definitely don't want Marcel to be with anyone else."

Cain faces his assistant.

"Give me an update if that woman has arrived at their home. We will pay a visit to her as soon as possible."

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