Chapter 2

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Marcel has arrived at his house.

He notices that their mini-market is closed for the day.

He sees his mother preparing some packages while loading their mini truck.

"Mom, you're leaving?"

"Yup. Apparently, a new customer just asked me to deliver a bunch of vegetables to them. They sent me a letter requesting it this morning."

Marcel continues observing his mother counting all of her deliveries.

Some men are helping her out with the packages.

"So, how's your day sweetie?" Asks Emmita.

"Well... I borrowed a book. New story I guess?"

"That's interesting." Says his mother.

Marcel contemplates for a moment.

"Mom, do you think I'm... Weird?" Marcel asks Emmita.

"What do you mean dear?" she wonders.

"I don't know. Most of the time, I just feel like I'm so out of place. I mean, I can't really say that I have a friend here." Says Marcel.

"Really? How about Captain Cain? He seems to be very friendly." Emmita suggested.

"Yeah but he's so... conceited." Says Marcel.

Emmita approaches her son.

"You know, I think that you're not weird. You're special in your own way."

She lifts her son's spirit.

"But at the same time, I would suggest that you start making friends, especially the ones who are willing to be friends with you."

She adds.

"Really?" asks Marcel.

"I mean... You're gonna need it. I'm getting old, and I just want you to have a wonderful life before I leave."

Marcel doesn't understand what his mother is saying, but will just agree with what she said.


Emmita holds Marcel's hand.

"Try giving Cain a chance. You never know, not everything is what you see."

Marcel will just smile.

His mom will smile back at him.

"Miss Emmita, all of your packages are in the truck now!" says one of the men that assisted her.

"Oh okay just a minute!" Emmita responded.

She took a glance at her son.

"Okay, now I really need to go." She adds.

"Right." Says Marcel.

Emmita begins hotwiring the mini-truck.

"So... What do you want me to bring you back?" She asks him.

"A red flower." He says.

"You really like the color red, don't you?"

"Yup. Ironically, we have a flower shop, but for some reason, we don't have any red flowers here."

"Then a red flower is what I'll give you."

Marcel puts on a genuine smile.

"Bye mom! Stay safe okay?"

"Goodbye Marcel! I'll be back soon. Remember my advice about making friends, okay?"

"I'll see what I can do."

And with that, Emmita leaves with her truck carrying her deliveries.

Marcel on the other hand, proceeded in doing his laundry.

He prepares the soap and the water, as well as the pile of clothes inside a basket.

While letting the clothes soak in the soapy water, he begins reading the story about the legend of "the cursed prince".

Marcel and the Cursed PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now