Chapter 18

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Meanwhile, both Charlotte and Elliot knock onto the prince's bedroom door.

"Yes?" Lester grunts.

Both Charlotte and Elliot enter through the door with their intangible abilities.

"Prince Lester, it's Halloween. Don't you want to join in the celebration?" Charlotte asks him.

"Yes your highness." Elliot adds.

"You used to love these celebrations! Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas-"

"I want to be left alone tonight."

"But your highness, there's so much food served tonight. It would be such a waste if you don't help us finish it all-"

"Oh be quiet Elliot, don't try to pull the same approach as what Marcel did." Lester tries to silent him.

"Oh, interesting that you brought him up." Elliot said.

"What do you mean?" The prince asks.

"Well... He has been telling us that he's really interested in getting to know you better." Elliot answers him.

"Really now?"

"Yes, and you know... This is such a good opportunity to probably make the most of the situation?" Charlotte mentions while staring at the magical calendar.

Lester notices Charlotte's glance.

"Oh please, like he would actually be able to break the spell-"

"But your highness, we have to try." Elliot says.

"Yes, he might be our only chance. Your only chance." Charlotte assures the prince.

There will be a little silence filling up the room.

"Fine. Give me a few minutes to change. I'll see what I have here."

Lester proceeds to his closet.

"Yes!" Both Elliot and Charlotte cried in whispers.

Marcel and the Cursed PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang