Chapter 27

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Almost a week had passed.

The servants keep reminiscing about the times when they were still corporeal.

Elliot and Scarlett take a little trip down memory line, when they were just spontaneous lovebirds, both working behind the castle walls.

Ricardo remembered how he used to be the one to call the shots in the entire castle, and how his loyalty towards the royal family made him the most trusted servant in the kingdom.

Jared looks at the clothes that he used to make for the king and queen, reminding him of a time when his creativity was at its peak.

Charlotte then remembers the friendship that she had with the queen, and how she treated her like a sister.

Despite the beautiful memories, the most unforgettable one for them was when the sorceress Shayleigh cursed them spontaneously, rooting from the unrequited love that she received from prince Lester.

The curse made the prince into a rotting corpse, the servants into roaming spirits, and the rest of the attendees at the wedding, including the sorceress herself, into ash and dust.

While they all reminisce about their past lives, and the unfortunate events that changed their lives forever, Marcel was still taking care of the prince.

It seems that he was already getting better, much to Marcel's delight.

However, he still needed more time to lie down in bed, considering that he is still not in the best shape after the bear attack.

As he leaves the bedroom of the prince, he notices a book lying at a corner near the door.

It was covered with dust.

As he wipes off the dust that was covering the book, he finally saw the cover.

Inferno by Dante Alighieri.

He takes the book and goes back to his room immediately.

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