Chapter 20

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It's another day at Rose Enchantée.

As usual, Cain is busy with his duties as the barangay captain.
Theodore enters his office, and brings him a cup of tea.
"For you sir?" He says to the captain.
"Ah yes. Just put it here Theodore."
Theodore places the ginger tea on to Cain's desk.

Theodore continues to stand in the room.
Cain notices this.
"Don't you have anything else to do?" Cain asks him.
"Actually, I do sir. But I just wanna ask you something."
"Look, if it's a raise-"
"Actually no sir."
Cain doesn't know what he is talking about.
"It's about Emmita."
"What about her?"
"About what she said during the Halloween fair?"
"Theodore, don't tell me you actually believe her."

Theodore contemplates a little.

"Well, sir. I know I might sound crazy when I say this, but I do think she's telling the truth."

"How so?"

"Well... Why would she lie? Why would Marcel leave? I mean, he never leaves their house. This was the only time he did."

"You know Theodore, you might believe her. But there is a difference between believing in someone, and pitying someone."

Theodore is confused with what his boss is saying.

"And in this case, it seems to come off more as pity."

"But sir-"

"Theodore, you know me. I'm the kind of person that wants real evidence when it comes to these kinds of claims. So far, I am not seeing any from her. So why should I believe her? I mean the Cursed Prince? Seriously? A MYTH?!"

Theodore remains silent.

"This is obviously just a scheme to keep Marcel out of my sight, because he is still in denial about wanting to be with me! The both of them are most likely in it together!"

"Well Sir-"

"and I'm NOT going to let that happen!"

With a fit of rage, he knocks out all of his things off the table.

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