Chapter 23

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After 30 minutes, Marcel was able to pick up a lot of berries, enough to fill up the basket that he was carrying.

As he was about to leave, he notices that his new frog friend had a frown on his face.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Marcel begins to think about what he's going to say next.

"You have nowhere else to go, is that it?"

By the looks of the frog, it seems that he was right.

Marcel contemplates for a moment.

"How about I take you with me? You can be my new friend."

The frog seems delightful.

He carries the frog.

"You know, since you're now officially my pet, I should name you."

Marcel thinks for a moment on what name to give his new friend.

"I know! How about Berwin? It means "bright friend"."

The frog, now named Berwin, jumps in delight.

"Okay Berwin, let's go home."

Marcel then carries Berwin and his basket of berries.

However, just as they were about to leave the place, they hear footsteps coming near.

"What was that?"

Suddenly, they hear a growl getting louder.

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, a grizzly bear appears before the two of them.

"Berwin, run!"

Marcel runs as fast as he could while carrying his basket with Berwin and the berries.

Just then, Marcel suddenly trips into a log.

He drops the basket and all the berries, along with Berwin, spill out of it.


The grizzly bear is already near them and is about to leap unto Marcel, when suddenly, Lester appears with a wooden stick and slaps the bear on to its face.

"Get behind me!"

Marcel picks up Berwin and gets behind Lester.

Lester gets pushed to the side by the bear, and tries to brace towards Marcel one more time.

But then Lester gets back up and hits the bear with the stick again.

After hitting the bear four times, it retreats back inside the forest.

Lester gets on his knees out of exhaustion.

Marcel notices that he got a scratch on his arm, caused by the bear after it pushed him with its claws.

"Oh no, you're hurt!"

Lester tries to get his strength back.

"C'mon, I'll help you."

With that, Marcel gets his basket and helps Lester get up, and assists him.

Berwin hops inside Marcel's basket and they all go back to the castle.

Marcel and the Cursed PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now