Chapter 28

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Hello, my lovely readers! It's good to be back! I've noticed, rather guiltily, that I never live up to my promise regarding the updates. So I'm not gonna say anything this time :X

Happy reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, and bookmark!


The night breeze greeted Harry like an old friend as he stepped inside the deserted courtyard. Around him, he could hear the faint yet audible humming of music, the rustling leaves in the wind and the cries of nightly creatures. The sky was clear; its stars flickering like candles, its Moon full and bright. If it weren't for the worry in his heart, Harry would have stopped and basked in the peaceful silence only Mother Nature could give him.

But Hermione was still missing. He couldn't find her anywhere in the castle, which could only mean she was outside.

Staying on his toes, Harry crossed the empty courtyard, straining his ears to pick a sound out of the ordinary while his eyes searched for her.

And then he heard it. Someone was crying.

He took a few more steps – and saw her. Her vivid colours against the muted shades of the environment were easy to catch. She was sitting on one of the stone benches cornering the area, her body illuminated by the moonlight. He could see her face buried in her hands. Note her trembling shoulders. Hear her little sniffles.

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Hermione was obviously upset right now, which meant he had to stay calm and collected no matter what. Getting angry was out of the question.

Suddenly feeling resolute, he opened his eyes and went to join her.


With her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands, Hermione Granger felt like the stupidest person on the planet. In just a matter of hours, she had been led on, manipulated, used, and then tossed aside like a crumbled piece of paper. And she deserved it. A part of her knew Pansy's words had stung because they were true. Completely factual. Why was it that she, the brightest student in class and a critical thinker in difficult times, got fooled by a boy she should have never trusted in a million years? Was she that desperate and hungry for a relationship? Why had she promised to never get tricked by the cunning Slytherin mind but ended up doing just that? Did it take a charming boy to make her do anyone's bidding, regardless of his background?

Well, one thing was for certain. She had learned a crucial lesson that night.

One does reap what one sows.

But how could that reduce the aching in her chest?

Letting a shaky sigh escape her lips, she examined her unscathed hands. At least the waterproof make-up had worked. Who knew it could be useful for entirely different reasons?

But...what now? Should she return to the dance? That wasn't happening. She didn't think she could bear seeing Theodore's wretched face again. Now that she was thinking about it, a slap wasn't enough. She should have jinxed him.

Well, what's done is done.

Hermione had to agree on that. She straightened up – and heard something among the night's hollers. Approaching footsteps.

But no sooner had she whipped her head around when a voice called from the darkness. "Hey."

It was Harry. Startled, Hermione gaped at him. Had he seen her leave? Or watched the entire fight with Theodore? Or was just overwhelmed and bored from the party and came outside to take a breather but spotted her here? Of course, none of that mattered. She was overthinking.

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