Chapter 9

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Hiii, Harmione shippers, Potterheads or just plain Wattpad users, it's me again! My humble thank yous go out to all the new voters and people who commented. Your interactions with my story keep me motivated. Have fun reading this chapter! <3 


"What took you guys so long?" Ron demanded as Harry and Hermione sat beside him, "You've been gone for almost an hour."

"Got caught up, by none other than Filch," Harry told him, before plucking a Chocolate Frog from Ron's pile.

"On friendly terms again?" Ron asked Hermione with a sly grin. She laughed, "What does it look like to you?"

They began talking and exchanging words just like old times. Harry told Ron about his detention and got the expected reaction in return. They briefly talked about their problems at hand and Hermione couldn't resist so she reminded them of their upcoming OWLs too.

Being back with her best friends felt too good for Hermione. She realized she had missed them terribly and made an oath to not stop talking to them if they ticked her off, and do what Harry told her to do -- to talk to them about it.

Eventually, the boys launched into one of their own conversations that Hermione quickly got bored of. So she reached into her bag and pulled out a book labelled Modern Wizards and their tricks from the 20th Century.

Although it was common knowledge that she was an avid reader, and got oblivious to her surroundings once she started reading, it wasn't the case at the moment. Her eyes kept glancing from the words before her to Harry, who was chatting merrily with Ron. She gazed at him in intervals, covertly, taking him in through her eyes and making herself blush.

She wondered why she started to like a boy so much, and one who she was supposed to see as a brother, but even if that remained a mystery, it was confirmed that she didn't fancy Harry for the reason other girls fancied him - which was him being the Boy Who Lived and having immense popularity among his peers. She liked him because he was the only one who could get her, inside out, unlike no one else she had ever met or interacted with could - besides her parents. Ron was a more 'don't-care-about-your-emotional-problems' type of guy. Before her fifth year, this particular nature of Ron bothered her very much, but as the years went by, she started to lose interest in whether he acted ignorantly when it came to feelings on purpose or not.

Moreover, not even Lavender and Parvati could understand Hermione the way Harry could, probably because they didn't have a muggle background. She supposed that was the reason behind why she started to like him.

Or maybe it all began when he came apologizing to me, Hermione thought to herself, smiling absentmindedly, he made me feel important.

But Hermione secretly knew that this crush of hers had appeared way back in her first year when she met Harry. And it intensified as they grew up. She kept denying her feelings before, but now - she couldn't help but admit that she was indeed in love with him.

Her mother had always taught her that if a girl began to love a boy, she would be making a very important decision in her life. She would be choosing someone as a potential soulmate or significant other for the rest of her life - and Hermione's feelings had led her to choose Harry, without any regrets. The only problem - was it unrequited love?

Hermione glanced at Harry again and observed him. Besides being the only one who could understand her thoroughly, Hermione also liked him because he was attractive. Firstly, he was tall, so he made her feel secure and warm whenever they hugged. Next came his hair, messy and as black as the night, which Hermione longed to feel through her fingers. And then there were his eyes - beautiful and entrancing. Hermione could get lost in them for hours if she allowed herself to.

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