Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I am back with another chapter! Please comment and vote if you like the chapter or this story. Toodles!


"Harry, this is the last warning," Angelina said, sharply, "Make her understand or I'm going straight to the headmaster."

"Good luck with that, since he's hardly around," Harry mumbled in reply. It was later that same day, after dinner. Harry and Ron had arrived in the common room just a few moments before when Angelina, the captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team, had marched up to them and got on Harry's case.

"I mean it, Harry. We're going to lose big time if this keeps up," she said, "You have to convince her."

"Do you really think a stubborn woman like Umbridge can be convinced?!" Harry snapped, unable to control himself, "She hates me and has made that fact clear."

"I don't care. You have to do something about it!" Angelina retorted. Harry just wanted to shut her up so he said, as calmly as he could, "Okay, fine. I'll try my best, like I've already been doing. I'll talk to Dumbledore or something."

"Yes, do that. And since you're his favourite student, he'll take action."

"I am not his fav-"

But Harry trailed off because Angelina had turned and walked away from him. Sighing, he sank down in an armchair beside Ron.

"I really want to use an Unforgivable curse right now..." he shared.

"Which one?" Ron asked humorously.

"The Imperius curse," Harry answered at once, "So I could make Umbridge do my bidding and lift these stupid detentions off me."

"What even are these detentions about? You've never spilled," Ron wondered. Harry hid his hand from Ron's view before replying, "It's not important."

But before Ron could reply, Harry's attention shifted elsewhere. Hermione had entered the common room, and instead of coming to sit with them like she normally would, she sat all by herself on one of the tables in the corner. Harry watched her as she opened a book and started to read it. But even though her face was now half-hidden by the volume, the sadness on it couldn't be missed...

"I could also use some cheering charms right about now," he absentmindedly said, "To cheer someone up."

Beside him, Ron sighed loudly, "Mate, you should apologize to her. Like I told you to."

Harry contemplated his words and thought about it.

Since his argument with Hermione, Harry had been feeling down. He felt extremely guilty for seeing her so miserable and isolated but at the same time was angry at her for questioning his loyalty. For the first time, Harry was stuck in the middle, with no idea what to do.

You should apologize to her! a part of his shouted, you've been acting like a git in the first place.

No! Another part argued, she should approach you first.

But by seeing the miserable look on Hermione's face, Harry couldn't bear to wait any longer and continue seeing her like this. Finally, he made up his mind.

Who am I kidding, he thought to himself, sighing, I've been acting like a real jerk. Choosing to side with a girl I barely know over one of my best friends!

"What are you thinking about?" Ron suddenly asked.

"Just deciding what I should do with Hermione."

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