Chapter 12

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Hello again, my fellow Wattpad users! I hope this story finds you in good health and spirits :)) And yeah, I updated much later than I promised I would, and that's because this chapter took a lot of time to write XD Anywho, thank you for the support! You guys rock!

Also, I made some changes in chapter 11, so if you are a curious lad or lass, do check them out :D

Behold, the longest chapter of the story yet!! It is gonna be a roller coaster ride, so sit back and enjoy ;)

Do comment and vote!! Try to vote on every chapter (A humble request :3). See you soon!


"So, this is the place?" Hermione asked as she inspected the building.

"Yep, make yourself at home," said Ron, opening the door for his friends.

The much-awaited Hogsmeade visit had finally arrived and the trio found themselves in front of an ancient-looking pub in a desolate corner of the village. The name of the place was the Hog's Head and was the very one Ron had put forward as a suggestion.

"Quite the opposite of the Three Broomsticks, I'd say," Harry remarked as they entered the pub and surveyed it.

He was right. The inside looked even older and less taken care of than the outside. Tables and chairs made of rickety wood were set around the confined place, with a bar at the left side and a fireplace, alive with a roaring fire, on the right. The man behind the bar, who looked like the owner of the pub, eyed his new customers. He appeared to be the perfect fit for a place like the Hog's Head, as he was an old man with a long white beard, prominent eyes, and a scowl set deep in his face. He seemed to look like a rougher version of Dumbledore.

"Nice pick, Ron," said Harry, as they took a seat on one of the tables closest to the fireplace.

"I told you nobody comes here," Ron smirked. It was true because the place was almost deserted. There were two other customers besides them -- one resembled a mummy; almost every inch of his face was covered in bandages. The other was a middle-aged wizard, smoking a pipe. The latter's eyes also seemed to be fixated upon Hermione.

The fire was the only good thing here for her, truth be told.

"It's good," Hermione spoke up, growing more uncomfortable by the minute under the man's constant gaze, "But I wish the students would arrive quickly."

"It's only 8:15," Ron said, glancing at his watch, "And we told them to arrive by 9, so hold your horses."

"Let's order something while we wait," Harry suggested.

"You guys go ahead," Ron said, rising from the table, "I have to go meet Lavender. I promised her a date today."

"All right then. See you."

"See you."

With that, Ron left the pub.

"D'you want to order something?" Harry asked Hermione.

"A cup of tea would be nice."

Harry called the pub's owner to their table. He wrote down their orders -- tea for Hermione and something called 'Frothyrum' for Harry, which the older man had prompted the younger one to order, promising that it's good.

Whilst he was giving their orders, Harry couldn't help but notice that the owner looked familiar. And that familiarity was puzzling him to another level.

He looks a lot like Dumbledore, he thought, as he watched the owner retreat to the bar. Maybe that's why

He decided to tell Hermione this.

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