Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Long time no see! And well, it's because of me *giggles nervously*. Nevertheless, I am very sorry for updating this story after...I don't know, a month? But it was definitely very late. I've started working recently, so that's why I had been devilishly busy, so... let's not dwell on this for too long cause I finally posted, yayy! And yesss as always, thank you for the views and votes <3 <3 but some comments would be great, too hehe. I want to hear my readers' thoughts about this story so far, I don't be hesitant to write a comment, just say whatever you like :D Finally, enjoy the new chapter! :D :D


The sixth-floor corridors, from the Owlery to the Grand Staircase, were completely empty, even though it was only 8 pm. Harry and Hermione launched into conversations, telling each other everything that happened to them in the course of the past two days. Their voices bounced on the walls of the otherwise silent corridors, creating echoes. Both of them felt glad they were back to being the best of friends and talked and laughed like old times. Harry told Hermione about Angelina's constant complaints and how he couldn't succeed in convincing her to wait just for a few more Fridays, after which he would be free.

As he talked, Hermione smiled a little. She was half listening and half gazing at him involuntarily. There were a lot of things that attracted her to him and one of them was his eyes. Ginny wasn't kidding when she said his eyes were beautiful, Hermione realized. The enthralling shade of emerald green mesmerized her and she got lost in them. So it was getting difficult to listen to him properly. She sometimes did that before too, until she had to snap herself back to reality after realizing what she was doing.

"And now I don't know how to make her understand," Harry was saying, "And not get on my nerves."

"Oh Harry," Hermione sighed, "It's okay. I'll try to talk to Angelina about it. Maybe I can convince her."

"Thanks," he grinned at her, "She'd listen to you since you're a girl."

"Girls listen to boys, too!" Hermione countered, giggling, "Like me."

"I am pretty sure that's the other way around," Harry argued, "Boys think girls are smarter, like Ron and I."

Hermione laughed, making him smile. He liked seeing her laugh, especially after witnessing her misery.

"I am so glad you're back," he said, without thinking what he was saying. Hermione gave him a small smile, "Me too."

A loud 'meow' suddenly interrupted them. Hermione looked around, half expecting to find Crookshanks, but it was Mrs. Norris, looking at her and Harry with her scarlet eyes.

"This cat again," Harry mumbled. However, Hermione bent down and offered a hand invitingly to the cat.

"Hello, Mrs. Norris," she cooed, "Come here."

The feline cocked her head and contemplated her hand. Then gradually she came forward and allowed Hermione to scratch her chin, then between her ears.

"Really, Hermione?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow, "You like this filthy cat?"

"Ever since I got Crookshanks, I acquired an intense liking for cats," Hermione explained to him, smiling at Mrs. Norris as the animal purred contentedly.

"Well, she's Filch's, and I sometimes get the feeling that she can see through invisibility cloaks."

"Don't be ridiculous," Hermione dismissed, "Although cats do have much more powerful senses than us, they are not magical creatures."

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